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SC33-0027 -2 File No. S360/S370-29 OS PL/I Optimizing Compiler: Program Product Messages Program Numbers 5734-PL 1 5734-LM5 (These program products are available as part of composite package 5734-PL3) Third Edition (June, 1973) IThis is a major revision of, and obsoletes, SC33-0027-1. Changes or additions to the text are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. ThiS edition applies to Version 1, Release 2, Modification o of the PL/I Optimizing Compiler, Program Product 5734-PL1, \ and to all subsequent versions, releases, or modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or technical newslettE~rs . Changes ilre continually made to the information herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 and SystE~m/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822, and associated technical newsletters, for the editions that are applicable and current. VSAM matE~rial in this publication is for planning \ purposes only. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM United Kingdom Laboratories Ltd., Publications Department, Bursley Park, Winchester, Hampshire, England. Comments become the property of IBM. ~Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1971, 1972 Preface This publication lists the compile-time messages from the OS PL/I optimizing Compiler and the execution-time messages from the os PL/I Transient Library. Most of these messages are accompanied by additional information intended to illustrate the detected condition and to point to the appropriate corrective action. Also included are the messages that may be produced by the PL/I prompter. Messages produced by the os PL/I Optimizing Compiler are listed in Part I. These result from conditions detected during compilation of the PL/I program. The messages are listed in both their short and long forms (except for compiler control messages which do not have a short form). The short form is listed first. However, only one form will be printed on the compiler listing depending on whether the SMESSAGE (short form) or LMESSAGE (long form) compiler option has been specified. Messages produced by the OS PL/I Transient Library are listed in Part II. These result from conditions detected during execution of the PL/I program. Messages produced by the PL/I prompter are listed in Part III. These messages result from conditions detected during use of the compiler in conversational mode in a TSO environment. Associated Publications Q2_RL/I Q2ti

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