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Now downloading free:Keithley 29048B(Model302)

Keithley 29048B(Model302) free download

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Model 302 Operator's Manual Contains Operating Instructions for the Model 302 Publication Date: May 5, 1983 Rev B. Document Number: 29048 WARRANTY We warrant each of our products to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Our obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace any instrument or part thereof which, within a year after shipment, proves defective upon examination. We will pay local domestic surface freight costs. To exercise this warranty, write or call your local Keithley repre- sentative, or contact Keithley headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. You will be given prompt assistance and shipping instructions. REPAIRS AND CALIBRATION Keithley Instruments maintains a complete repair and calibration service as well as a standards laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio. A Keithley service facility at our Munich, Germany office is available for our customers throughout Europe. Service in the United Kingdom can be handled at our office in Reading. Addition- ally, Keithley representatives in most countries maintain service and calibration facilities. To insure prompt repair or recalibration service, please contact your local field representative or Keithley headquarters directly before returning the instrument. Estimates for repairs, normal recalibrations and calibrations traceable to the National Bureau of Standards are available upon request. Keithley Instruments, Inc./28775 Aurora Road/Cleveland, Ohio 44139/U.S.A./(216) 248~0400/Telex: 96-5469 WEST GERMANY: Keithley Instruments GmbtUHeiglhofstrasse 5/D-6000 Monchen 70/(069) 71440-65/T&x: 521 21 60 GREAT BRITAIN: Keithley Instruments. Ltd./l, Soulton Road/Reading, Berkshire RG2 ONLl(0734) 66 12 67/T&x: 647047 FRANCE: KeithleY Instruments SARL/Z Sis, Rue Ldon Slum/B.P. 60/91121 Palaiseau Cedex/(G) 011.51.55/Telex: 600933F NETHERLANDS: Keithley Instruments SVlArkelsedijk 4/NL-4206 AC Gorinchem/(01630) 25577/T&x: 24 664 SWITZERLAND: Keithley Instruments SA/Kriesbachstr. 4/CH-8600 DUbendorfiOl 621 94 44/T&x: 57 536 AUSTRIA: Keithley Instruments Ges.m.b.H.ID6blinger Hauptstr. 32/A-1190 Wien/0222 314 269/T&x 13 45 00 SPECIFICATIONS DC VOLTAGE GAIN, OPEN LOOP: Unloaded (min.): 12.000. Full load (min.): 10,000. INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: Input Impedance: Resistance (minimum): 10

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