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Now downloading free:Keithley 149RevA DocSpec

Keithley 149RevA DocSpec free download

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NANOVOLTMETER RANGE, 0.1 micmwlt (10 x 10.' volt) full scale to 100 millivolts an mro-cmt*r meter. 13 overlapping ranges in 1 x and 3x steps. ACCURACY: e3% of full scale on a11ranges exclusive of noise and drift. ZERO DRIFT: Less than 10 nanovolt~ per hour or less than 30 nanovo1ts in any S-hour period after spproximetely Z-hour warm-up with reasonably constant ambient temperature. Long-term drift is non-cumulative. ,NP"T NOISE iwith input shortedi: Less than 0.S nanovolt rms 13 nanovolts peak-to-peak) an "OS, s*"siti"B mange. ,NP"T CHARACTERISTICS: ,npw As.manca Maximum Ranga (irealar thm saurcs R~~l*ta"r~' 0.1 ,," lout 100 0 30 k" 300 " 2 ::: 100 *II ! *cl 1.0 p" 300 k" 3 k" 10.0 p" 1 M" loktt 30.0 *v 3M" 30 xn 100 p" and co"* 10 MD 30 X" Note: 1SovrFemtisfa"CBI higherthan me rscammsndsd meximum incrssss "Oi68 and rim tsms. Wi!l LINE FREOUENCY REJECTION: Greater than SO:1 on the most sensitive range. IRatio of impressed peak-to-peak line frequency voltage at input to indicated dc voltage.1 ISOLATION: Circ"it ground to chassis ground: Approximately 10' ohms shunted by 0.05 microfarad. Circuit ground may be floated up to 1400 volts~wiih rsspsct to chassis around. RISE TIME 110% IO 90%): 0.1.microvolt Range: Less than 2 seconds when so"rce resistance is less than 10% of maximum; 4 seconds "sing maximum so"rce msistance. 0.3.m,crovo,t to , 00.m,,ffv.,ft Ranges: Less than 1 second when source resistance is less than 10% of maximum: 2 seconds "sing maximum 8p"rce resistamx ZERO SUPPRESSlON~ Up to at least 1 millivolt on the microvolt ranges and up to at least 10 millivolts on the millivolt ranges. Stability is such that 100 times full scale may be suppressed. AEC0R0ER OUTPUT: Output: 110 volts dc at up to 5 milliamperes for full-scale meter deflection. Resistance: Less than 10 ohms within the amplifier pass band. Gain: 10 volts/Range setting in volts Noise: Input noise times gain plus modulation products. Modulation Products: Less than 2% peak-to-peak of full scale with input sh

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