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Now downloading free:Keithley 500 938 01C

Keithley 500 938 01C free download

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PIMI Pulse and Frequency Input Module The PIMl Pulse and Frequency Input Module provides eight frequency or event counter inputs. Eight software-controlled ranges allow frequency measurements up to a maxi- mum of 8MHz and down to a resolution of lHz. Seven of the inputs provide isolated (to 400V) or non-isolated TTLcompatible inputs, while an eighth channel has a non- isolated sensitivity of 200mV. As a frequency counter, the seven TTLcompatibIe inputs provide measurements to 8MHz in the non-isolated mode, and to 2MHz in the isolated mode. The eighth input, which has 200mV sensitivity, measures frequencies up to lMHz, non-isolated only. As an event counter, the PlMl module can count pulses at a maximum rate of 25OkHz. Anti-coincidence circuitry ensures that the counter is not read in an undefined state and that no pukes will be lost. Inputs may also be configured as four dual input chan- nels to allow events to be gated by external sources. Software control selects input channel, input gating, gate times, and frequencylevent mode. Gate times between 1048.576msec and 8.192msec allow a wide range of frequen- cies to be measured. Signals are connected directly to the module via on-card screw terminals. The RIM1 module may be placed in any available slot in the system. To install the module, remove the baseboard cover and install it with the component side facing the power supply. CAUTION: Always turn off the system power before installing or removing modules. To avoid possible EM1 radiation, never operate the system with the top cover removed. User-Configured Components Switches SlOl-X07 independently select isolated or non-isolated inputs for channels 1 through 7 respectively. All input connections are made to screw terminals on Pl72. Two terminals are provided for each channel (+ and -). All terminals accept 16-24 gage wire stripped to 3116 of an inch. See Table 1 and Figure 1 for a list of user-configured components and their loca- tions on the KM1 board. Document Number: 500-938-01 Rev. C mm-1 Figure 1. PM1 Module PIMl-2 Table 1. User-Configured Components on the PIMl Name Designation Function Switch 101 sl.01 Chan 1 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 102 s102 Chan 2 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 103 sl.03 Chan 3 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 104 s104 Chan 4 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 105 s105 Chan 5 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 106 S106 Chan 6 Isolated/Non-isolated Selection Switch 107 s107 Chan

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