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Now downloading free:IBM B233 MVS For Small Systems Users; Lauzon

IBM B233 MVS For Small Systems Users; Lauzon free download

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Descr: IBM share SHARE_61_Proceedings_Volume_1_Summer_1983 B233 MVS For Small Systems Users; Lauzon.pdf
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.:--- SESSION REPORT i@SHAREt; -:...-=- 61 B233 MVS For. Small SYstems Users /GO The 3031-5 operates with MYT under VM/SP. The 3031-8 SHARE NO. SESSION NO. SESSION TITLE ATTENDANce runs with MVS/SP 1.3 in native mode. We are in our last stages of MVS Proiect John Cotto CHP an MVT to MVS conversion which should be completed by the end of SESSION CHAIRMAN INST.CODE the year. At that time, both CPU's will run MVS/SP 1.3, with PROJECT plans for the larger machine to run under VM/SP. 55 Merritt Blvd. Trumbull, CT 06611 (203) 377-2300 SESSION CHAIR~N'S COMPANY. ADDRESS. and Ptl0NE NUMBER Come September, the MVS machine will support 15 CICS terminals for a Registrar's system, 15 TSO/SPF terminals for staff program development, some 60 to 80 concurrent WYLBUR (ASCII) MVS FOR SMALL SYSTEMS USERS terminals for our academic community, as well as a half dozen batch initiators. Currently, the WYLBUR terminals and half the batch initiators are not being supported under MVS. They are Roger C. Lauzon presently on the 3031-5 under MVT along with 30 data base termi- nals, more WYLBUR terminals, and other batch initiators. Computer Centre University of Windsor

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