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Now downloading free:IBM 6936761 Personal Editor Nov82

IBM 6936761 Personal Editor Nov82 free download

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File name:6936761_Personal_Editor_Nov82.pdf
[preview 6936761 Personal Editor Nov82]
Size:4861 kB
Model:6936761 Personal Editor Nov82 🔎
Original:6936761 Personal Editor Nov82 🔎
Descr: IBM pc apps 6936761_Personal_Editor_Nov82.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name 6936761_Personal_Editor_Nov82.pdf

---- - - - --- ------ - Personal Computer - - -- ----- --_.- Professional Series Personal Editor Several people have already menti o ned to me that having t o remember to say "notabs" f.?very time a filE.~ is sewed is"> ,::\ pain. I iagree (although I can't help pointing out that mo s t of the problem would be gone if Epson had handled runs of tab characters properly). What follows is a patch that may be applied to pe.exe to permanently disable compressing runs of blanks to tabs. The syntax of the File and Save commands is not ch",mqed; but ef f ect i vel y "not c\ [-Js" wi 11 al ways be enab 1 ed when wr it j. ng files. The notabs option of the Edit command remains unchanged. 1. On a work disk, rename 'pe .exe ' t o 'xx'. 2. Enter 'debug xx', 3. Enter ' u 70f2'. DEBUG should reply as follow s : MOV W,{BP-12},0009 JP 70FE MOV W~{BP-12},3FFF t

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