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Now downloading free:IBM GA26-3591-3 1801 1802 Processor-Controllers OEM Information Mar70

IBM GA26-3591-3 1801 1802 Processor-Controllers OEM Information Mar70 free download

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FiIeNo.1800-19 Order No. GA26-359 1-3 Systems Reference Library IBM 1801 and 1802 Processor-Controllers Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information This Original Equipment Manufacturers'Information (OEMI) manual provides the definitions and functional descriptions of the interface lines for the IBM 1801/1802 I/O Interface. In addition, it contains electrical, mechan- ical, and cabling considerations and specifications of this interface. It is assumed that the reader of this manual is engineering oriented and understands computer engineer- ing techniques and terminology. Preface This document provides information of interest to designers An interlocked interface operation that is not time- and manufacturers of equipment to be attached to the IBM dependent; this permits broad ranges of control unit 1801/1802 Processor-Controllers. The responsibility of attachments. IBM resulting from such an attachment is defined in the An operation uniformly applicable to both multiplex and Multiple Supplier System Bulletin, Order No. G 120-6648. data channel operations as well as to channel-to- The 1801/1802 I/O interface is a communication link be- channel transmission and control operations. tween channel elements and I/O adapters in the IBM 1800 System. It provides an information format and control sig- This Original EqUipment Manufacturers' Information nal sequence capability as well as a uniform means of (OEMI) manual provides a functional description of these attaching and controlling various types of I/O devices. lines together with the electrical, mechanical and cabling Information in the form of data, status and sense infor- considerations, and specifications of the interface. It de- mation, control signals and I/O device addresses, is trans- fines the interfaces between the I/O adapters in the 1801/ mitted in both directions over the signal control lines of 1802 and the I/O devices. this interface. All transmissions are interlocked with corre- All descriptions and data in this manual are subject to sponding response signals permitting the processor- modification as a result of engineering developments. controller (independent of the I/O transfer) to continue execution of other instructions. The design of this interface provides these important features: Related Literature The IBM 1800 Data Acquisition and Control System Bibli- Ease of input/output programming over a wide range of ography, Order No. GA26-5921 lists the availa

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