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Now downloading free:IBM SF20-8136-0 IBM Study Organization Plan The Method Phase I 1963

IBM SF20-8136-0 IBM Study Organization Plan The Method Phase I 1963 free download

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File name:SF20-8136-0_IBM_Study_Organization_Plan_The_Method_Phase_I_1963.pdf
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File name SF20-8136-0_IBM_Study_Organization_Plan_The_Method_Phase_I_1963.pdf

SF20-8136-O ~ "t ,>hil-.'" ("I.:~,~~4r~~t;~~~f]i'~~~t, ; '~~"'1 IBM Study OrganizatiDn Plan The MethDd Phase I This manual discusses how to conduct the first phase of a system study, "Understanding the Present Business". It covers techniques for gathering data, and organizing it into a report entitled" Present Business Description". The reclassification of the existing business applications into goal-directed activities for study and analysis is explained and several approaches and examples are included. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N.Y. 10601

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