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Now downloading free:IBM SY33-8568-0 DOS VS OLTEP Rel 29 PLM Mar73

IBM SY33-8568-0 DOS VS OLTEP Rel 29 PLM Mar73 free download

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File name SY33-8568-0_DOS_VS_OLTEP_Rel_29_PLM_Mar73.pdf

SY33-8568-0 Fi Ie No. S370-37 Systems DOS/VS OLTEP Logic Release 29 Page of SY33-8568-0, Revised October 31, 1973, By TNL: SN28-2567 First Edition (March, 1973) This edition includes support for message compatibility, data protection on new devices, and CDS equate support. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Department B59, Building 707-1, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, New York 12602. Comments become the property of IBM. @ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1973 Preface This Program Logic Manual (PIM) is a progranning cencerts. The rutlieations detailed guide to the IBM Disk operating providing this infcrnatien fellow. System, On-Line ~est Executive Program (OLTEP). It supplements the program Note: Althcugh titles ef some ~OS listing by providing high level text, label publicatiens have been sirerlified, the list, tables, and flowcharts. change dees nct affect the contents of tl:e publicati cn. This reanual is organized in nine sections consisting of:

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