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Now downloading free:Keithley 7169A RevA DocSpec

Keithley 7169A RevA DocSpec free download

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Model 7169A 20 sorm C Switch Card for the Model 706 Mainframe only 1 CHANNELS PER CARD: 20 independent Form C. All poles available at connectors. Replacement of factory installed jumper allows current limit resistor in series with common of each channel. On- card bus allows for addition of jumper to change configuration from switch to multiplex. Bus also allows channel interconnection. RELAY TYPE: Position sensitive mercury wetted reed relay. Card is only for use inside the Model 706 mainframe, and must be used within 30" of vertical for relay to work properly. CONNECTOR TYPE: Three 20 pin mass termination connectors. RELAY DRIVE CURRENT: 30mA per relay typical. MAXIMUM SIGNAL LEVEL: 500V peak, LOA peak switched, 2A peak carry, 50W (resistive load only). CONTACT LIFE: >109 closures cold switching; 2107 closures at maximuni signal levels. CONTACT RESISTANCE: c2Q to rated life. CONTACT POTENTIAL: <35pV, C to NO or NC. ACTUATION TIME: <3msec, exclusive of mainframe. CHANNEL ISOLATION: >109Q, <50pF. INPUT ISOLATION: >lOgQ, <50pF. COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: 500V peak. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: 0" to 5O"C, up to 35'C at 70% RH. STORAGE ENVIRONMENT: -25" to 65

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