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IBM IBM Scientific Computation Forum 1948 free download

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PROCEEDINGS Scientific Com putation Forum 1948 H. R. J. GROSCH, Editor WATSON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING LABORATORY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION NEW YORK + NEW YORK Copyright 1950 International Business Machines Corporation 590 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Form 22-5904-0 P R I N TED I N THE U NIT E D S TAT E S o F AMERICA FOREWORD A SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION FORUM, sponsored by the International Business Machines Corporation, was held in the IBM Department of Education, Endicott, New York, from August 23 to August 26, 1948. The Forum concluded with two sessions held in New York City on August 27. Earlier meetings in this senes, which began in 1940, were devoted largely to statistical procedures. In the 1948 Forum, for the first time, an attempt was made to cover many of the fields in which large-scale com- puting methods have proved important. The exchange of ideas between workers in fields as diverse as aero- dynamics and physical chemistry proved fruitful from the very beginning, yet specialists in the same field also found time for intensive discussions. It is hoped that the contributions printed here will prove of value not only to the participants but to other members of the growing group engaged in tech- nical calculations on punched card equipment. CONTENTS Evaluation of Higher Order Differences on the Type 602 Calculating Punch -FRANK M. VERZUH 9 Differencing on tbe Type 405 Accounting Machine -GERTRUDE BLANCH 14 The Use of Optimum Interval Mathematical Tables -H. R. J. GROSCH 23 Punched Card Techniques for the Solution of Simultaneous Equations and Other Matrix Operations -WILLIAM D. BELL 28 Two Numerical Methods of Integration Using Predetermined Factors -LELAND W. SPRINKLE 32 Integration of Second Order Linear Differential Equations on the Type 602 Calculating Punch - N . ARNE LINDBERGER 34 Integration of the Differential Equation ~~ =P

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