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Now downloading free:IBM C28-6535-0 OS360 Concepts and Facilities 1965

IBM C28-6535-0 OS360 Concepts and Facilities 1965 free download

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File name C28-6535-0_OS360_Concepts_and_Facilities_1965.pdf

File Numbel: 8360-36 Form C28-6535-0 Systems Reference Library IBM Operating System/360 Concepts and Facilities This publication describes the basic concepts of Operating System/360 and guides the programmer in the use of its various facilities. Operating System/360 is a comprehensive set of language translators and service programs, operating under the supervisory control and coordination of an integrated control program. It is designed for use with Groups 30, 40, 50, 60, 62, 70, and 92 of Computing System/360. It assists the programmer by extending the performance and application of the computing system. PREFACE This publication introduces and interre- The publication is divided into two lates all Operating System/360 control pro- parts, an introduction and survey, and a gram facilities. It shows how these facil- detailed description. The first part con- ities work with the language translators tains a general description of subjects of and service programs, so the programmer can interest to all users. The second part, better learn to use the system. It also meant for programmers, is a more thorough directs the programmer to related Operating discussion of the same topics. System/360 publications for specific details. Even though many details are expressed in assembler language terminology, this Many combinations of programming facili- publication is addressed to every program- ties are possible with Operating mer who will use System/360, and familiari- System/360. The programmer will work with ty ~ith the assembler language is not a a particular set of these facilities, requirement. depending on the language he uses (FORTRAN, COBOL, Report Program Generator, Assembler, or New Programming Language), and the modu- PREREQUISITE PUBLICATION: IBM Operating lar programs chosen when his operating System/360: Introduction. This publication system is generated. Although all the describes the general organization, func- control program facilities are described tion, and application of the operating herein, all of them may not be included in system. It also describes the other relat- every installation. ed Operating System/360 publications. This publication was prepared for production using an IBM computer to update the text and to control the page and line format. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were obtained from an IBM 1403 Printer using a special print chain. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be c

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