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Now downloading free:IBM Adesse VM Course May85

IBM Adesse VM Course May85 free download

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The Adesse Corporation VM System Product CP INTERNALS Richard Alexander Larry Chace Bob Cowles INTRODUCTION This manual is a companion to the Adesse Corporation's VM System Product CP Internals course. The course has been de- veloped by practicing system programmers and is intended for system programmers who have a basic familiarity with VM/SP. We hope this document strikes the right balance between two competing needs: on the one hand we would like to present the material such that a beginning programmer could benefit from it, and on the other hand we would like to be of help to the veteran programmer. It is clearly impossible for a manual of this size to completely address both kinds of needs. The first three chapters concentrate on an overview of the hardware and software architectures exploited by CPo A bas ic understanding of the total system archi tecture wi 11 help you as we then move on to the more specific topics that follow. Most of the manual is concerned with detailed descriptions of the major parts of CPo The control blocks, the modules, and the algorithms are covered to a degree of detail that we hope is appropriate in each case. The final part of the manual covers topics that are more general in nature; that is, they involve several of the previous de- tailed topics. You should be familiar with IBM System/370 architecture. We assume that concepts such as DAT, I/O interrupts, and DASD are familiar to you, although we do review such con- cepts in the first chapter. We also assume that you are ba- sically familiar wi th the workings of an interrupt-driven timeshared operating system. We hope that this book will be of value to you. The spe- cific information is based upon VM/SP Release 2 and in many cases has been updated to release 3 with HPO. As with any subject as complex as CP, mistakes are unavoidable; we would be appreciative if you would report any errors to the Adesse Corporation at the following address: The Adesse Corporation Post Office Box 607 Ridgefield, Connecticut 06877 Tel: 203-431-3071 May 31, 1985 iii - CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . ... ... . .. iii PART I General Architecture Chapter page 1. SYSTEM/370 ARCHITECTURE 3 Introduction . .

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