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Now downloading free:Keithley 500 913 01B

Keithley 500 913 01B free download

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AIM3 Low-Level Analog Input Module The AIM3 Low-level Analog Input Module accepts signals ranging from &lOOmV to flOV full scale, and offers either 32 channels of single-ended input, or 16 channels of differential input. The selection of high-level or low-level input is made by setting on- card switches. The AIM3 module provides high-speed multiplexing, gain amplification from xl to xl.00 volts/volt, and cold junction reference circuitry for the direct connection of ther- mocouples and other low-level transducers. PZ---l, ..T-TTnl . c __-_ CL- ArlIrn -..- ..-.. *- .I- .1~ . 3lgnas rrum me -VW are rourea3 song- me private AlA vu 1 sqpd line to tie giobai selection and conditioning circuitry of the AIM1 module, where programmable gain can be applied prior to A/D conversion. With optional resistor locations, the AIM3 module can be modified to accept current in- puts, or to measure thermocouples in the differential mode. In addition, a guard ter- minal has been provided for the connection of signal shields to lower noise along input lines. All signals are connected directly to on-card screw terminals. The AIM3 module may be placed in slots 3-10 of the baseboard (slots 240 when an AMMl is used). To install the module, remove the baseboard cover and place the module in the desired slot with the component side facing the power supply. To minimize power supply thermal and noise effects, place the AIM3 as close to AIM1 as possible. CAUTION: Always turn off the system power before installing or removing modules. To minimize the possibility of EM1 radiation, never operate the system with the top cover removed. User-Configured Components Switches, optional resistors, and screw terminals are user-configured components on the AIM3 module (See Table 1 and Figure 1). Switches SlO3 and S104 select either the single-ended or differential mode for measur- ing signals. Both switches must be set to the same mode for the module to function. Single-ended and differential modes are discussed in-greater detail in the reference sec- tion for the AIM1 module. Document Number: 500-913-01Rev. B AlM3-1 Switches SlOl. and Sl.02 control the gain factor of the on-card instrumentation amplifier, and can be set for gains of xl, xl0, and xl00 volts/volt. A setting for external mode is used in conjunction with an optional resistor or a potentiometer to providean alter- native to the gain factors offered by the switch setting. Once selected, the resistor- programmed gain factor applies to all input chan

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