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Now downloading free:Keithley 7036-7037

Keithley 7036-7037 free download

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Descr: Keithley 70xx 7036-7037.pdf
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7036 40-channel Isolated Switch Card 7037-D 30-channel Digital I/O Card The Model 7036 and 7037-D single-pole relay switching cards are well-suited for configuring automated test systems for portable devices . The Model 7036 offers 40 independent channels of 1-pole Form A switching, while the Model 7037-D provides 30 channels, plus ten independent digital inputs and ten independent digital outputs for control applications . The 7036 provides a 96-pin mass terminated connector . The 7037-D has two heavy duty 50-pin D-sub connectors at the ends of short cables . The D-sub connector version is designed for industrial/production applications where repeated connects/ disconnects with external cables are required . The 7037-DT is an extra connector board Use with 7001 and 7002 switch mainframes Use with 7001 and 7002 switch mainframes for the 7037-D card that can be used to upgrade a standard 7037-D to a mass terminated connector .

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