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Now downloading free:IBM C24-1489-3 Disk IOCS Nov64

IBM C24-1489-3 Disk IOCS Nov64 free download

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File No. 1401/1460-30 Form C24-1489-3 Systems Reference Library Input/Output Control System (on Disk) Specifications IBM 1401 and 1460 This publication presents the specifications for the IBM 1401/1460 IOCS (on Disk) Program, Version 2. It describes the programming required to use IOCS to control the input/output of data from card reader, card punch, printer, disk, and tape files. The IOCS de- scriptive entries (DIOCS and DTF) and macro instruc- tions are explained in detail. The types of processing and types of records handled hy IOCS are defined. The IBM 1401/1460 IOCS (on Disk) program is a supplement to the IBM 1401/1440/1460 Autocoder (on Disk) program. The reader should be familiar with the specifications for this program, described in the SRL publication, Autocoder (on Disk) Program Specifi- cations and Operating Procedures, IBM 1401, 1440, and 1460, C24-3259. For a more complete understand- ing of the organization of records on disk, he should also review the disk file-organization routines. The SRL publication IBM 1401/1460 B-ibliography, Form A24-1495, lists publications available for other programming systems. Minor Revision (November 1964) This edition, C24-1489-3, is a minor reVISIon of the previous edition, C24-1489-2, and incorporates Technical Newsletter N24-0200. The only changes are minor clarifications on pages 9, 28, 50, and 51.

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