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Now downloading free:Keithley TRG1 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley TRG1 500RevA DocSpec free download

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SOO-TRGl SPECIFICATIONS: Ch""d9: 1, differential Input. input scmrcc: External trigger input, Global Ampllfler output of AMMlAor AMht2, or Software Strobe. Input Ranges: 0 to +lV, 0 to -IV, 0 to +1ov or 0 to -lov. R.%OlUtlOn: E-bits. Level Accuracy +z% + 1Ls.B. Input Impedance: 10 Mn IExternal Input). Input ProtectIon: i3ov "lax +mvered), il5V "lax (u"powerd). Input Coupling: ACorDC Trlggcr Slope: Rlslng or Falling Edge. Input Filter: Software selectable single pole low pass filter with the following characteristics: -3db Frequency 5ettling time to l/2 l.SB 1 MHz 3ookHz ml kHz 30 kHz 10 kHz 3 kHz 1 kHz XXI Hz OUtpUt: 1.) L&v-true h'igger signal to motherboard connector for triggering AMMI A or AMM2 in adjjcent slot, and/or; 2.) interrupt request (IRQ) to host computer; 3.) atus wgister. IRQ is open collector low-tme pulse 500 nS typical. A/D hiaer signal is software selectable 1obe either a 5Kl nS low-hue pulse, or a low-true level. Signal Co""ecuon: J-pin quick disconnect screw terminal block for external input. Cable to AMM card for global amp connection supplied. Note: The TRGI requires a +lOVref~cesi~al to bepresent on the backplane, which is typically provided by an AhfMl.4 or AMMZ module used in Slot 1. If one TRGl is used in 0 system, it must be placed in Slot 2. ff two TRCl modules are used in a system, they must be used in Slots 2 and 3. TR REVISIONS APP. DATE DRN.A-J.5 DATEol2-m U9.d Kalthtq t"~bunwnu Inc. 4 RELEASED'13713 10-12~99CKD. DATE Cleveland. Ohio 44139 - APP. DATE IPT IlllMR~~ SPECIFICATIONS

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