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Keithley 2896 C-V Char MOS Ca 252326C8B1 free download

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Number 2896 Application Note CV Characterization of MOS Series Capacitors Using the Model 4200SCS Semiconductor Characterization System Introduction C Q V Maintaining the quality and reliability of gate oxides of MOS structures is a critical task in a semiconductor fab. Capacitance- One general practical way to implement this is to apply a voltage (C-V) measurements are commonly used in studying small AC voltage signal (millivolt range) to the device under test, gate-oxide quality in detail. These measurements are made on a and then measure the resulting current. Integrate the current two-terminal device called a MOS capacitor (MOS cap), which is over time to derive Q and then calculate C from Q and V. basically a MOSFET without a source and drain. C-V test results offer a wealth of device and process information, including bulk C-V measurements in a semiconductor device are made using and interface charges. Many MOSdevice parameters, such as two simultaneous voltage sources: an applied AC voltage signal oxide thickness, flatband voltage, threshold voltage, etc., can also (dVac) and a DC voltage (Vdc) that is swept in time, as illustrated be extracted from the C-V data. in Figure 1. Using a tool such as the Keithley Model 4200-SCS equipped Vdc with the 4200-CVU Integrated C-V Option for making C-V meas- urements on MOS capacitors can simplify testing and analysis. The Model 4200-SCS is an integrated measurement system that can include instruments for both I-V and C-V measurements, as well as software, graphics, and mathematical analysis capabilities. Voltage The software incorporates C-V tests, which include a variety of dVac complex formulas for extracting common C-V parameters. This application note discusses how to use a Keithley Model 4200-SCS Semiconductor Characterization System equipped with the Model 4200-CVU Integrated C-V Option to make C-V measurements on MOS capacitors. It also addresses the basic Time principles of MOS caps, performing C-V measurements on MOS capacitors, extracting common C-V parameters, and measure- Figure 1. AC and D

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