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Now downloading free:IBM A22-6843-3 360channelOEM

IBM A22-6843-3 360channelOEM free download

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File No. 5/360-19 Form A22-6843-3 Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 I/O Interface Channel to Control Unit Original Equipment Manufacturers' Information This Original Equipment Manufadurers' Information (OE~H) manual provides the definitions and functional descriptions of the interface lines for the IB~f I/O Interface - Channel to Control Unit. In addition, it contains eledrical, mechanical, and cahling considerations and specifications of this interface. Preface The I/O Interface (Channel to Control e nit) is the An interlocked interface operation that is not very conmnication link between the CPt.' channel and the time-dependent; this feature increases the range nl.rious I/O control units in the IB~1 System/360. It of control units that may be attached. employs information formats and control signal se- An operation applicable to both multiplex and burst quencing to prm'ide uniform means for attaching and mode operations as well as many control opera- controlling yarious types of control units. tions and channel-to-channel transmissions. Information. in the form of data, status and sense Cp to eight control units serviced per set of lines. information. control signals and I/O device addresses, This Original Equipment I\1anufacturers' Informa- is transmitted oyer the 34 time- and function-shared tion (oE~n) I\fanual provides a functional description lines of this interface. ,\11 transmissions of information of these lines together with the electrical, mechanical are interlocked \\'ith corresponding response signals. and cabling considerations, and specifications of the The design of this interface provides these impor- interface. It does not define the interface between tant features: control units and I/O devices. A degree of consistency of input/output program- This publication is open-ended to permit future ex- ming oyer a \\'ide range of control units. tensions to the I/O interface. The document also pro- Ready physical connection to System/360 channels vides additional information of interest to designers of control units designed by any manufacturer and manufacturers of equipment to be attached to

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