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File No o 1410-33 Form C28-0304 Systems Reference Library rBM 1410 Generalized Sorting Program U sing IBM 1301 Disk Storage This publication describes the mM 1410 Gener- alized Sort:ing Program Using 1301 Disk Storage. Included are descriptions of the basic specifications and features of the program, the preparation of control cards, operating instructions and messages, th,e elements of the program, and methods of modi- fication. Timing tables are also included. @ 1963 by International Business Machines Corporation PREFACE The IBM 1410 generalized sorting program using the program may easily be modified so that control IBM 1301 Disk Storage has been developed for an information may be entered through any other input IBM 1410 equipped with one or two IBM 1301 Disk unit, or left in core storage by a preceding program. Storage modules. The program is considered a gen- Checkpoint and restart routines are included that eralized sort because it is capable of modifying it- enable program operation to be resumed from the self for a particular application according to control beginning of Phase 3. information specified by the user. If desired, the user may specify that a Write Disk This program will sort fixed-length or variable- Check operation be performed following each write length data records, single or blocked. Basically, operation on the 1301. When specified, this option it consists of three phases. Phase 1 consists of a is effective throughout all phases of the sort. series of internal sorts; Phase 2 consists of one or It is assumed that the reader has a basic knowl- more merging passes; and Phase 3 consists of the edge of sorting techniques, the IBM 1410 Input/Out-- final merging pass. To facilitate program scheduling, put Control System for card and tape systems and the sorting program will permit input and/or output for 1301 Disk Storage, the IBM 1410 Data Process- through any specified tape or disk unit on either chan- ing System, and IBM 1301 Disk Storage. Such infor- nel. Provisions are included for the processing of mation can be obtained from the following publica- header and trailer labels. tions: The control data upon which the sort is based may "Sorting Methods for IBM Data Processing Sys- consist of as many as ten control-data fields con- tems, " Form F2S-S001. sisting of a maximum of 2799 characters. The con- "IBM 1410 Principles of O

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