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Pioneer ct 6r ct 7r arp 220 0 747 free download

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(v)rrloNEER' ORDERNO. ARP-220-0 STEREO CASSETTE TAPE DECK GTITFl cT-6Fl o In CT'7R,a one-chip (PA3012) incorporated the Dolby NR circuit with lC is in the followingSerialNo. For mechanicaladjustments, please the service see manuals ART-667-O and ARP-09S. o Ce manueld'instructionserefCre modede r6glage, fangais. au en o Estemanualde serviciotrata del m6todode ajusteescritoen espaftol. Typo Serial No. KU 3635101 KC 3401 01 1 HE 8405701 HB 8500501 HP 8600201 D 9303301 D/G 9304201 In cr-6R, a one-chip (PA3012)is incorporated the Dolby NR circuitwith lc in the followingSerialNo. For mechanicaladjustments, please the service see manuals ART-671-0 and ARP-094. o Ce manueld'instructionserefCre modede r6glage, fangais. au en o Estemanualde servicio trata del m6todode ajusteescritoen espafiol. Type Serial No. KU 3655401 KC 3402601 HE 841t 501 HB 8501801 HP 8600401 D 9303201 D/G 9302501 PICINEEFI ELECTFIGINIG CCIFIPCIFIATICIN 4-l , Mesuno'1-chome, Mesuno-ku,Tokyo 183, Japan PICINEEFI ELECTFICINICA [UEtAl lNC. 1925 E. Dominguez St., Long Eeach, Catifonnia 9OAIO U.S.A. PIONEEFI ELEcrFlctNlc IEITFIOPEI N.v. Keetbengraan 't, e740 Bevenen, E}etgium PfONEEFI ELECTFICINTCE| AUCiTFTALIA PTY. Lltrt. 178-184 Boundany trload, Bnaeside, Vicronra 3195. Ausrnatia YF @ JULY. 1982 Printedn lapan i ELECTRICALADJUSTMENTS Precaution HEAD AZIMUTH ADJUSTMENT 1. Mechanical adjustment should be completed. 2. Clean the following parts with an alcohol Setting: moistened swab; Record/Playback head, Pinch Mode Playback roller, Erase head, Rubber belts and Capstan. (FWD and REV) 3. Demagnetize record/playback head with a head Test tape STD-341A, 10kHz demagnetizer. portiori 4. Do not use magnetized screwdriver for

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