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Now downloading free:MITSUBISHI VZ6-V15 Chassis

MITSUBISHI VZ6-V15 Chassis free download

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File name:VZ6-V15_Chassis.rar
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Size:5019 kB
Model:VZ6-V15 Chassis 🔎
Original:VZ6-V15 Chassis 🔎
Descr: MITSUBISHI Proj TV VZ6-V15_Chassis VZ6-V15_Chassis.rar
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name VZ6-V15_Chassis.rar

Section 1 Servicing Menus & Adjustments Operating Parameters and Service Adjustments on The activation codes, and basic procedure for each the VZ6 and V15 are set in the same four Service Service Mode remains the same. They are shown in Modes used in previous models: Figure 1-1. Factory Menu sets the operating param- eters of the TV Of course, due to the SDTV and HDTV compatibil- Adjustment Mode Signal, CRT, and ity feature in both chassis, the number of adjustments Deflection Adjustments have increased. Although the number of adjustments TV GUIDE Plus+ Position the TV GUIDE have increased, there are only two new service re- Plus+ Display lated adjustments in the Adjustment Mode: Convergence Raster correction, and 1) Main Picture Cr and Cb Offset Convergence 2) PIP Cr and Cb Offset Page 1-1 Adjustments for the CRT, Deflection, Raster Cor- OPTION MENU rection and Convergence must be performed in both the NTSC and HD modes. This essentially doubles INITIAL the number of adjustments for these circuits. E2 RESET DTV PORT: AUTO Raster Correction and Convergence can be performed DTV SIGNAL STRENGTH: N/A in the HD mode, using the internal Crosshatch sig- POWER RESTORE: OFF nal. To perform CRT, and Deflection adjustments in WHEN MUTE: ON CONVERGENCE RESET the HD mode, a HDTV Signal Generator is required. DTV DIAGNOSTICS It should be capable of generating Color Bars, DTV E2 RESET Grayscale, White Raster and Monoscope signals. The FREE RUN: luminance level should be adjustable to accurately set HD White Balance. MAIN VERSION: XXXXXX SUB VERSION: XXXXXX If a HDTV Generator is not available, DO NOT at- Figure 1-2: Factory Option Menu tempt HD mode adjustments for these circuits. Factory Menu OFF. If ON, the TV can be switched ON when power The Factory Menu (MENU-1-3-7-0) for the VZ6 is applied to the set. "When Mute" is normally set to chassis is illustrated in Figure 1-2. The new items, ON, this activates Closed Captioning when the Mute DTV Strength, DTV Diagnostics, DTV E2 Reset button is pressed. and Free Run are only active

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