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Now downloading free:Daewoo L510B1(CML-L510B1)

Daewoo L510B1(CML-L510B1) free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:L510B1(CML-L510B1).zip
[preview L510B1(CML-L510B1)]
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Model:L510B1(CML-L510B1) 🔎
Original:L510B1(CML-L510B1) 🔎
Descr: Daewoo Monitor L510B1(CML-L510B1).zip
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File name L510B1(CML-L510B1).zip

Service Manual XGA COLOR MONITOR Model : L510B1 DAEWOO ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. http : // September, 2001 CONTENTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1 GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION 2 SERVICING PRECAUTIONS 3 TECHNICAL INFORMATION 6 GENERAL INFORMATION 7 PIN CONNECTOR 8 CAUTIONS FOR ADJUSTMENT AND REPAIR 8 OPERATION & ADJUSTMENT 9 ALIGNMENT PROCEDURE 14 TROUBLESHOOTING HINTS 15 BLOCK DIAGRAM 22 PCB LAYOUT 23 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 27 EXPLODED VIEW & MECHANICAL PARTS LIST 29 INFORMATION OF PART DESCRIPTION 30 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST 31 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CAUTION: No modifications of any circuits should be attempted. Service work should be performed only after you are thoroughly familiar with all of the following safety checks and servicing guidelines. x Safety Check Care should be taken while servicing the inverter that generates the high voltage to lighten CCFL of the LCD panel. x Fire & Shock Hazard

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