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RM9821 TX-ST radiomarelli This chassis had the HT supply rail high at 170v instead of 110v.  Then 2 capacitors were changed in the PSU & now the HT supply rail is OK. The problem is that it is still without a picture (only grey raster but the sound OK) & Teletext is OK. Can someone supply me with a schemetic diagram for this TV set ? Note that this is not an ELCIT Model.
RM9821 TX-ST radiomarelli
RMB-28TX-ST (stereo) RADIOMARELLI Schematic and dump.
Model:  RMB-28TX-ST (stereo)
Processor: SDA5553-A004
EEprom: 24C08
MSP3401C (MSP3415D)
TDA8351  (110^ deflection)
(Evelux, made in Slovenia)

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