fils rvitlrth \Vildirvs
nrJ.3rr,iding l.ligh qulit arrd rndi sttitt' stalning ;illl divnlad-nd.p}
litinsrr t]s" st-t Lxs- ni ;r**abldviss. Windrvs N,ldirr mat lpriss
Windvr,s uti nd Vii ds.l.l0ti!li.rl
N,,Idi itglrtd
ights mngr]mll1
{DR4) sstln.and {ll tll"ltititt. W\4F. lfbntirr
t]VD .lrina Vid I])isi< - tl *urs()l. SY{lD nral t sitt igg8' Rslitrs rrli{urllik ll.2 Dl DVl.} tht is tlr sln 35].180 l\"]" -t5257{i,,\l,.4.{,li<.iiz n.t rslutil 48kha audit.l). ll lris ai will pia VlJ 1matil l.vs)' Vl) lluii* Div I]iv is a *r,v {ititt r.digit} ,irl. nluh lik \4[}]is a ttllltttiigitlmusi. Div is tlr brarlinm tnt-dirg vitil nr;rssitt thltlg ld b DivNtr,voks"ln'" {lstr knlr,vll l}r.!t iis l\4a.l)..l.I L}i,lti is Llsdn th -Ilis C-4 tnssin st*ndrd. *Je is s dvtrdth*t it I,:rlltt n ,{{:.] vid (th sa: fbllt t"tsgd DVD .lr-[}r-Vilr,) its rigir;l |b t{} {' siz' Div'r-rr. DVD.: RW l)VDr Rw is ir ltWrit*abl* DvlJ !R sl*trdard" [brr::at DVD-udio DVD-Audio or somtimsalld DVD-A is a sparatformat from DVD-Vido. It is a format spifially dsigndto provid th hlst possibl audio fidlity aablon DVD. DVD-Audio provids for audio in stroand in multi.hannlsurround in a wid rang of spifiations. addition to audio, a DVD.Audio disk an ontain a limitd amount of In vido, whih an b usd to displa tt, suh as lyris or notrs. DVD-Audio an onl b playd on DVD Playrs with DVD-Audio support (most DVD Playrs d not support this format). DVD.Audio is urrntly ompting with SACD as th nw audio dfato standard. DigitalAudioGuid DVD Audio FAQ DVD-R DVD-l{edalrl df.irls stattdrj dL] a iir DVD drir,s nl r*"lidflitl b th DVl) []tlurl, flr"ralld ''ll1inus[t''"th l.rrrt rvittr(mrd1 Dvt}.RW is ,Ilr rvih n lrc st and r,t.ittri). singl sidd dis*s :t lrllt 4'700.000.000bts (4'38 fiigilts &t l024 irtstltl"rkiIbt*)r,r,itlr,"irrbl lrl siltil.iiss tt, tlttir"'l.1r* its .I.his lr singi siri*lrriblliss' ar ll dr"riil furnrirt lt*sr,vith l)vD+ft lnt' tir l}VDlthl DvD}l infurm.ttin
t-4 oto * rviations DVD-I{I\4 A .liilrl frmt suppirt b f.rtus it is l10tofil}irtill but lvith lst DVD-I{() drir,sr I)Vl] Vid plrs.It lriks ,ll rl',hn u lik a rnllr,bl st had disk' DVD-RW DVD-RW is a RWitbl trntt th DVD-R stttdad. DVD-Vido DVD-Vido is th vido lmnt of th DVD format. DVD Dmystifid DVD-Vido Faturs. DVDtR A trm usd to ovr both th DVD-R and DVD+R standards in on word.
HDCD l.figlr D*firlitin L];t:atii]lrt)igititil (IfDt'j) is atrltgil-:*d*,,d*i
t}'ss llivirrg lirll fur |hr: lr"l nlltillf'thrlrigilrlll-lili;lrtIr rl l)iss and DVl)-Au|itl.DD lras bn usd ilr th rding[.:l-tl:: 5,J**than i) t.itls. ivlrih inlud tg thi]ll ?50 ill|rard.tbp 200 r{ings nd tl"ltttt GI{AN,{N4Y.ti] l75 ntnintins. and aol'lt r;nr thn ]0{i rillitrl{lDs sI
llD]D-nddDs si:nd lrttl"lrtitls* th * *trli ,ith ]i} bits t'l rntrsil irrfbrrtirt. l]-lrii S r,itlrt6 trits tbr *ll th I]s. {'.{{]{]D l!e{ll-lS lirnitatirr tlr f" th i(:-lrit]D {brrrrl using a shistitdsstnl ttl ltld tlr d]itilIj birs ixt tlr b 4 D wlril rlr,iillint tlrlplllrp"ltibllvith th isting D l.rlat. l{]D rlvids nrr l:rati irng. [! t} ltl;sd 3.IJ sunrJstg. nd trnl natr:alr,al nd nutsitl tirbrr. With A.lDLjD" \,,tl8*I" til bd'v. lth, and mtltlll l[-th rrigirrai rimttrl" I1t)l digitrrlill]illi\)Il'
Prior to shipmnt fiom th fatry th produts ar stritly insptd to onform With th rognizd
prdut safty and ltrial ods of th ountris in whih th ar to b sold. Howvr, in ordr to
maintainsuh omplian,it is quall ir-rrpotant implrnnt follwing pr- to th
autionswhn a st is bins srvid.
' rutions during Serviing
l. Loations rquiring spial aution ar dnotdby labtsand insriptions on th rar panl and rtain
parts of th produt' Whn prforming srvi, b sur to ad and ompl with ths and othr
autionaryotis appingin th oprationand srvi manua]s.
,4, 2. Parts idntifidby th .-! _mbolin shmatidiagram parts ar ritial for safty.
Rpla only with spifid part numbrs.
Not : Pats in this atgory also inlud thos spifid to omply with lasr mission standardsfor
Pduts using athod ray tubs and thos spifid for omplian with various rgulatins
rgrdingspurious adiation.
3. Us SpifidintrnaI wiring. Not espially:
l ) D o u b l i n s u l a t d i r s w
2)Lligh voltag lads
4. Us spifid insulating matrials for hazadousliv parts.Note spially;
2)VC tubing
4)lnsultion shtsfor transistor
5. obsrv that wirs do not ontat hat poduing
PARS (hatsinks,oid mtal film rsistors'fusibl rsistors't ')
6.Chk that pladwirs do not ontat sharp dgd o pointd parts . .,AUTlNs
l)Whn a powrr ord has bn rplad 'hk that A mark is mad on th od ,undr strain ,nar th
aprtur,andth flxibl ord is subjtd1O0tims a pull of40N for a duration of 1 sond eah . to
2)During th tst ,th ord shall not b displad by mor than 2mm
8.Also hk aras sulounding rpaird loations .
9. Th intmal wiring is surd so aS not to approahth hatingparts and high voltag parts by its shap.
So, thswirs must b rstordto its formr stat.
l0. Aftr updatd th hazardous liv par1 or assibl part, if th laran or rrpag distan ann,t
aord with th saf rqust,thn nd adopt rinfrd insulationmthod for ensur safty'
SAFTY HK AFTR sRVICING amin th ara surrounding th rpaird loation for damag or dtriration.obsrv that srws ,parts and wirs hav bn rtrndto original positions .
Aftrwards ,prform th following tsts and onfim th spifid valus in ordr to vrifo omplian wit
atfety standards . .*
s,&FYRAU}o]s :1"
; ;" ::''.. InsuItionrsistantst onfim th spifid insulation rsistan or gratr btwn powr ord plug prongs and trnally posd parts of th st (RF tnrinals 'antna tminals ,vido and audio input nd output trminals,mirophonjaks ,arphonjaks ,t .)Stabl blow. .Diltri strngth tst onfirm spifid dieltri strngthor gratrr btwnpowr ord prongs and posd assiblparts of th st (RF trminals ,antnn trminls 'vido and audio input and output trminals ,rnirophon jaks,arphonjaks ,t.)S tabl blow . .lran distn Whn rplaing primary iruit omponnts ,onfirm spifid laran distan (d),btwnsoldrd trminals ,and btwenttminals and suoundingmtalli parts .S tabl low. d1
I 7 (D (D
Tabl l: Ratings for sltdaras
InsuItion Diltri Claran AC Lin Voltg Rgin Rsistan Stngth Distn(d)'(d) xl10to240v USA,Australia F 4kv/minut F 6mm(d) 1 1 0 o 2 3 0v t urop 4l500VD *lass ll modl onl .
Not ' This tabl is unoffiial and for rfrn only . B sur t onfim th pris valus for your
partiularountry and loality. . Lakag urrnt tst
onfim spifid or lowr lakag urrnt btwn B(arth ground 'powr ord plug prongs ) and
xtrnally posd assibl (RF trminals 'antnna trminals ,vido and audio input and output
j j trminals,mirophonaks,arphon aks,t .)
z-) MPR.AUtONs
asuing thod: (Powr oN)
Instload Ztween B (arth ground,powrr ord plug prongs )and xposd assibl parts .Us an AC
voltmtrto masuraross both trminals of load Z , See figur and following tabl .
Tabl 2: Lakag urntratings for sltdaras .
arth Ground A Lin Voltag Rgion LoadZ Lakag Currnt(i) (B) to :
2kohm 100 o 130 t v urop 200 to 240 Australia othtrminals 50k ohm
Not . This tabl is for IC mmbr only . B Surto onfirm th pris valus for your partiular ountry
and loality.
xpsed acessibIe pat
zr Load----*-) I <___J th Ground, Power od pIug pongs
1 '-, ,; .*r .Sfl,lvrUpgrad
MK dis UpgradeNoti l. h upgrading softwarmust b rordd(burnd)on a CD-R or D-RW dis, and ..DIAK'', in apital lttrs. All Rrding (burning) a) Vlum ID of th dis must b softwarsupportsvolum dit' ..MTK.BIN'', also in apital lttrs.You an rnam b) Th upgrading softwarmust b rnamdas it on P bfor rording. ) The upgrading softwar MTK.BIN must b in root dirtory.Rording rnod must b 1509660 (oD l ' LVL 1)' Do NoT SLCT JoLIl LooSN ISOSTRIT. 2. Load th dis 3. DVD will rad dis, and prompt upgrading.Prss..PLAY'' on rmott onfirm upgrding. Not; Do not turn off th plar whil unde upgrading;do not lt ltriity ut off. othrwis th playr will halt and nvrb opratagain. If th DVD plar annot rad th dis, plas rod som data fil (trash fils that th playr annot bfor reording upgrading softwar. Support)
3-1 I Prforman Standards No. Test item Reouirement 1 \n|ogoutputlve|(V)(Vitua| va|ue) 1.O-2.Ov >-OHz T
125t12 I
o lKHz t
10KHz I
1SKHz l0KHz t
\udio SNR (dB) (A) >90 I \udio distortionand noise (dB) (1Kl-lz) <-65
5 ) y n a m i R a n g e ( d ) ( 1K H z ) >80
6 )ross.Sound base wv (dB) >80
7 1KHz hannl Balane (dB) <1
o ntermoduIation Distotion(dB) <-50
I :requenyerror (dB) 0 -10
'10 - = -40 | Level non-linear(dB) . -60 m > 't1 out |evel ( (V-p)l] Digita| 0.5r0.05
12i -4.53 1 De-bass funtion(dB) 12 ldis 784:- r 1 3r -9.04 1
AmplitudRspons OdB lKHz Ds !ln A r n^ a ^ .rn,.
^ lrtnlrt a \.l lv] (dB) t,2AHz-2AKHz)
Rfrn Lvl Amplitud Rspons DoLY RfrenLeveI +0.5/-1.0 (dB) |2z-2KF,z)
13 Ds Test DoLBYest FL
SW 14 (iput Intensity l KHz 2Omvp-p) )utput V 2.5r0.5 15 and Nojs (%) )istotion <0.5
16 s Frequeny Response (dB) 12Hz *3
5KHz r3
17 ;rqueny or (dB) >45
18 ihortRad im (S) <5
'19 ong Rad Time (Se) <10 J
'15 20 lax Powr onsumption (W)
4-l Stadards
No Tst itm Rquirmnt
Vido outputLvl C\BS otpu1 1.!o'2 21 V- (V) Lin SynmpIitud 0.3r0.05
VD >250 AV outut sVD 2350
DVD 2450 Hrizontal Dt.initlon (Tv ) VD >250 q rri da - ^ rrf ^ 'rf sVD >350
DVD >500 ^\/Qq
FT Luminan hannl bndwidth VD > 3 . 5 l - 2 0 d ] ] zc UR !n d mn l i tr r d D Ae n .n q sVD >3.5[-20d8 (I'1Z) DVD > 5 . 5 i- 6 d B VCD >3,5.2dB hrma hannl bndwidth 24 .nd .mp] i.ud l . r,J6 l'1z sVD :3'5- -24d ] DVD >1.5l 6dL - z ,uminan n o n - l i n e a rd i s t o r t i o n ? ) ( :5 zo uminan Wve distortion ( ? ) <10 27 . u m i n a n S N R ( d B ) 250 I .!L zo ]hrom SNR (d ) AML]>60P >50 29 -uminan/Chroma signal dly (ns ) 100 30 p]usDG (z )iffrnlrl <5 J I ) i t l r n t i r |P h s D P (") i5 Y haneI 700+140 _vldeo signa1 am1itude V- z Chma 8 8 0 r 17 6 lod (mv) C hanneI hroma s Svn 300r60 m >5'5]-6dl o S-video signal bandu,idth nd Y Chnn]. JJ
m rliLude rson.. l,1]rZ > 15 : . 6 d hann] ' Y hann] >501 1 34 m S-vid signl sNR ( Db ) Chann] >50
Y hann1 700+140 YUV ou.U. signr1 .,:LJd) 35 I'l hann1 7 0 0 r 14 0 V_ 1od (m\i) V haneL 700t140 Y hnnel >5.5 -6d.' YUv outut s1g]. bndwidtr JO nd nJ i j tUd '.cl s ,4lzl l] hann1 >2t-6dB
YU,V V hnne1 >2 6dB.. A. URE Y Chnne1 >501 ].]t i YUV output signal SNR ( D b) Ll.hannrl >50
v I.Lann1 >50
R hanne] 7001140 D: ..]t.,,. .:nn1 . l'.Ldd'. 38 G Chnne]' 700r'140 _p 1d (m\.) Chnn1 700a140 R hann1 >5 5l -6dl RG outut s1gn1 bndwidth 39 nd jJ i j l ]d. resl , s l'1}.]/ G hnne1 >55l -6dBa
nnne] >5,5-6d- R hnn1 >50
RGBoutut s1gnl s}']R rj Chann l ( D b) 40 hnnl >50 Y hnnl >50
+-/ r&ge o1andBlok Diagrms
a J
l. AV abl 6. ownr'sManualbag 2. Battris 7. ownr'sManual , Rmot ontrol 8. PS 4, sart abl 9. Powrord 5. Sart abl bo 10.olorbox
5-1 atin f Symptoms
Common phnmrnon lassifiation
VFD no display
Chk owr lin onnt onntasain.Normal? PoWR?hk swith ?
Chk signal wir onnt to Contagain'NormaI? dodr board orrt?
KB boardOK? To dodrboard servi Dl
To KB board srvi Kl
2. TV no voi
onnt DVD lft/risht Chk audio wir btwn hannlto TV orrtly DVD playr and TV
Chk Sart Wlr onntionto TV
Stup audi by rfringto manual DVD audistuprrt?
To dodr boardsviD2\D3-l\D3.3
1-1 ationof Symptoms Clasi;ifi
TV no displa
Vid wir onntion orrt? J onnt to TV orrtl
Y \7 N Connt again' TV displa SCART wi r onne tion orrt? normal? | l\
Prss ..v'mod'' ky of th N
Ro.. tims. Prss normal? l
To dodr boardsrviD\D3-2\D3-3
4. Cannot opn tra
Y Loadr too low,&righ? Adjust loadr
Chk Loadr signal wir N nnet oin nml) onntsto bard orrt?
hk flat ribbo onnt to ddr/srvoboar Connt again, normal?
a1 Classifiation Symptoms of
Do not rad dis
Dis srathd/dirty?
hk Loadr wir onnt to dodr board orrt Connt again, normal?
Chk flat ribbon onnt to dd board orrt onnt again, nomal?
To dodr boad srvi
Pss..opn/Clos'' front panl,th on o KB bodsrviK3 data lin of KB board has wav out?
Prss ..opn,/Clos'' rmot on o KB boardsrviK2 th IR lin of KB board has wav out?
.7. GnralClaisifiation of Svmotoms 6.
Dis sathd/dirty?
To dodr boardsrviD4. D5
Audio stunorrt? Adjust aording manual instrution
Chk optial/oaial onntion to Adjust arding ddr dvi oK? manual instrution
To dodr board srvi D6
Rad dis and halt
Dis srathdldirt? Rpla/landis
o srvo board srvi
'7-4 ;.,.6 .'6f*lglfi;utii f Symptoms
10. To KB bardsrviK3
Judgmnt standard fr loader damag Whn blow phnomnonist,th loadr may b damagd. l . no s pin 2. no lasr 3. annot oprr/lose tra normally 4, main axis turning, but no pikup fous or gliding 5. annotrad diss Whn abov phenomnonists,plastry rplaing loadr to solv th problm. PrNrt. L71,L-P267-2 t ,p . ,1 2+u :fl ::::] 2 ' B - a"! L (A -E- L+ o l-{
UA-A# O {::l}
9 ftr Dtl } tr- :::,::ia: |:||||:::||| r f,:} llzr l.. o. l- 1 2 { N5 pLz 'Mil,!itt',,,i,r|Xii!i'ttitilii==' Main point wavforms and shmati diagamsof ltroni omponnts 8-1 Rfrnwavform ofky tst point ofpowr boad
TP1+l2V(nodis) 3-mVpp TP1 (rading dis)250mVpp
TP2+5v (no dis)3-mVpp P2+5v (rading dis)4OmVpp
P (idl) 20Vpp TP3 (no dis)20Vpp
TP3 (rading dis)20Vpp
8-3 ..:l .:i:
I{ir tll' rv f} tl Prryr src,ilh u,orkitlgrilrils .l.inSvr.itlr-lI(1'NY?(l7} .] tnitaitlsth sirrrliitr'l{. th irlvSwithtrltrlg1,, r'lhil prr.iling tlunlbrtltl,htlnrnts tl,l.!thr cdus},s,tcl]] nt,t ilsi ol}10lllll (}Ul}t, a n d t p r a t i I l 1 , l I i n l i n aa u i 1 i b I t l i s c , l . ' , i l i , . i t r , t , S w i a 7 0 0 V r v r t f S l . L : ' l , t n 1 h" silIaiilt; hig|rvltag svithd urttt sLl"urllt tllthnlal]tlrr.n lirnit irr:itry' r intgrtci ntr nltllithiivi' slal1-r.rp 1ing ad l)ow dit,d dit"tlv iirn tlr r.hagn th l)F(:\lN trlin' liinintig1 nitbt. bis r^.inlirlg assrllittl th nl .['in1,Slvittlr-I[ itlitry,ln aiditin. th 1r,is intrtr:t attttl.r:stitt. ttnlr,rrll;rg ]iIre stts. nlil'q1,.iitirillg. intrrrvtiv ,{tl dsign rrtillitrtizs atrdilrqult- lni)3nnts ill th sirnp|(JNi()I:l]. tlli shnlt prti||r'iirnillt utiilil llis r,vitlr stanrlrr] taprll,varnishd trns{ilrtl tlnstiitirr, tullv intgrtl lr aLtt-rs1ar1 iuitsll lirrits rttuttllvr lingtuIt rrdititlrls suii a:; uttttsht jrittlr t)ll lri. rlr"rittg Ornp0,]l]l unt nd strndi}rr, tilbkiuitr.vst' rr ptinal iitl srlt.ssisl trnallv rulxSa Iin rrnrl.vltg thrshill1. lvhih uiimintstlrvrlr glitulrs rlrllr.rr ausl};'11,'" sIrirvilishar.g inut stl.agc1itrrs r[. Selltin pliatil-ls su}tas ..curnrjby sLrplis.''tini1{i;r.rllv l"l2 ]tl.lzis.jittl siltnifint11.1i.r i tl lltlrh thl1trirsi*1rk vr*E1. arrl llj]Vll. lninirnizigtiltrirlgst.
l. ltrr,sitlnfitlt g., trrj".itlit 220 a.c. urrnt flows rstitivly through Fl fus, and through D30l-D304 to ombin as bridg rtifiation. Aftr Cl L2 2 undrgs letrolyti filtr, w an obtaina 320V d.. voltag(Uhv). 2. I)tlss stt up l}rst;{iwlrr t() "l.inSr,t,it}r-!I dt:sntlt rqi bis t,l,illilirlg vitipo\,vl.ttl hi. bas a ttr tir it darr,s ptrv rlirtliirrrl i)Rll\ irl is r.intirrnl th tir .l.his Dsitinbr,}. |rs trontainbltlts. I::.irst, ntittI }tr pli.rti" Jirnintsth this r:$t{' bis rl,itlirtg nd ssritrl trtnptttrts'S*rldll,, bttrhrgliatir:s. urgtrt-vlttl t th hratristi ttn *lltlli,sth tttutvt-litag ti:Ills trrzrvlts lvhil stiii iJtl1ir, 1.r t,Vl](" l)o\Y",I.his llitin trt.nlll rquirs f.nrd.bis rvinlinglv}tihhs rrlalr tnassiatd .j'iilvSrvith-ll, mlnrlis' Willl nith?]rnssi-}r}-' l-t1.l|,iiltilns I'.t.l 1ha1 L.qtji|. a vry llr,-lrd alvr{)r}stl}ntrltirl 150 nlW), rsistil.ltt bis lvilirlg th it tl BYASS it"l tlvil y:ilr,r,t.t hil:..l.hg ;trL th th rlinirnunt tl;tltlttll{cl ltrrt suIiil i s 7 . 5 ( ) l r A .I . l r l l Y S S p i i r l t i - r i s l t s e . ' l , i l l } ; t n l p t 6 . . ] \ . .l - } t i s r r i t , hr i i l ] i i : l i r r r t ' b tl r, th orvdrrv firlrn th* ltz\lN in, thlv rduirlgl}rn.lri!vL. 0l}sutlt1itlrt ttd inipvingfilllal llii*rl1.. Alld hek r;5'itis vr'irnrtant: tl{.stp ul, ]. I}iasrvirlirrg z\l1rstal1ing 1:rvr.,|.1-2 bias rvindigsLrplis th liasunt atrdtt.Lt!llt ltl th itttmal l2 . thrrlLrrrlr ril '4 rtiirtjltranrjthrrgh light-r"ltri {, D7 R2 irlr'hk | 2 t } l , i n( t 2 t l i ) " i t " s r l l t r : irs 6 ^ - ] r , . v . #:7 'i8 :
8-4 4, 1{gr-rlatitr tii.ilttrt11ritg1r I.{-.}ss Whrl th inpturttt ntrl in (5; t2 lrass ( illitss).silltill lf, .i,i]l l rgulatl utnltia|l, tht 1.x1i1l itrt.s dri]1}l,}(t s ivill {!r tll utrrt rvill is{dlras), vltg: output voltag fdbakiruit is ompltdby Zl R8 DI3 5 I2 NY267 introdution
, ei*l ." !j'r, \ ',., l..'
itt F gtt*.ti**fr[ist]ri|ili{it] * $&.ilEtPi*: F"r*}"'g*3iF.83j i j:t{.. :'.i: l.ti+ :;::..'. l.]l.:i!] t:::l.:: it"r:r ; ; ;l'*:."...::i ti F**i.r*ge iSlti}-*il g (.';*i:: :( : }).*..i::::. ;l, ..... i: +: :.,'.}l,.,!it1.. :':.:, ; g l.l, ri. 31?"{Sl1E*}iu: ti.ittlgt*t:}8:l;: l i ] i *"ls;tl i'tr';r;i fr l"':;lt,} ii; *x j' t{l . l.; lrr s'ttei i ( 1.' r : t:" t* \'.'
i: 'a f ,':11
!$tr {l}ili: ;'it*l ;i:l*: l:'rl}i:}i:, i::l!c::i1]:; }'l{.ii3 .:,^tllt
Sslts.i i3\"*il i: it.l" tl: lliti'iil i,';i* i+i:l*:::*::ili ll5* l*:*:r:
8-5 l No voltag output
Masur ah output trminal to se limint point short-iruit whthr it is short iruit
hk a'. and d,. onvIslon Far lssthan320V asure th voltge ol L2 2 lmnts suh s FUS, pwr
swith,Dl D2 D D4etc,
.l-3 open iruitof plnso
Masur whthr th voltg f PI 8|7 Z| ar damagd
pin IC (\TF) is qual to 2,8V
easur whethr th voltag o 5 hkrvhthr5R2 D7 C4 R4
in IC2 (5) is qual to 6,3V 6 ardamaged
Test whetherth windings of T r
shortiuit, opniruit
8-6 l. 2 Unstabl voltag output,drasof arrir apability
Tak out th outut ord, onnt Normal output vltage other powr boardsovrloaded
fals loading
easurth wrking tmrturof
lmnts inrardthrmomter by
Is th vo|tage of lighl-mitting tubs in
optial oupling at aout l V?
[s it normal attr rplig Zl?
ls the vltagof C2at 320? Thris damage Dl D2 D] D4' in
. 5 v +| 2 v . l 2 V . ] . l V i s l o l Chk l3 R8 Zl D|2 D
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