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Chassis Part Symbol Defective Circuit
Symptom The green vertical line is too wide, replaced the crt 2 times and the kine drive board. Tech found that the svm coil had to have the wires coming out of the coil had to be turned up towards the crt not down towards the drive board. Set would cycle, Servicer found that by disconnecting connector # BB203 the set would start and run. With the connector plugged pin 1 (240 V supply line) measured a low resistance to ground. IB201 green kine driver loading the supply
solution Reinstalled the svm coil on the crt neck
ATC221 svm coil
ATC221 IB201
Picture Tube
ATC221 anode lead Picture Tube
ATC221 cable
Replace IB201 Replace the anode cap and cleaned the Replaced the flyback. Has an arcing and tearing in the video, can hear a popping noise, Pulled the anode lead from the crt and found a brownish powder looks like rust and the lead anode of the is green like it is corroded. crt Replace cable from BX01 No red coming from the DVD player. Found the cable to be bad from BX01 SSB to BX03 SSB to BX03 DVD Player DVD Player