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Found: 3532
AkaiCT-T21N32SI have an Akai CT-T21N32S which will not fire up, the red LED is illuminated on the front but nothing else happens, I have tested dozens of components but to no avail, the block diagram in the service manual I have is unreadable which is quite upsetting acure: replace eeprom IC602 ref 23-06-05
AkaiCT2137Field scan only I"No 33v via R442 - 5R16 8k2 o/c14-09-04
AkaiCT2137UKTNo sound except hiss - ok through scartwhen a 6Mhz resonator was fitted in vacant place 30F1 sound ok14-09-04
AkaiCT2137UKTVision buzzRemove digital transistor 9tr9 14-09-04
AkaiTV2034St/by only with HT only half normal & LED flashingStuck in chjld lock mode - disable using handset14-09-04
AkaiTV3451 Stereo+2DeadVO1014-09-04
AkuraCX23Flyback lines near topC303 100µ 35v14-09-04
AkuraCX30Field collapseNo supply to FOP Trs as R422 10R ?w o/c & D420 BA133 leaky14-09-04
AkuraCX30Field collapseC311 220mfd 35v scan coupling cap o/c14-09-04
AkuraCX30Field collapseC311 220µ 50v o/c14-09-04

AkuraCX30No sound/pic - eht present (field coll)No 12v supply R418 3R3 o/c14-09-04
AkuraCX33No start upR811 560k o/c - beware of charged mains cap!14-09-04
AkuraCX33St/by onlyD833 s/c in 22v supply14-09-04
AkuraCX34Int line tear & switching to standby.Replace wire links under IC307 bypass holder , IC301 ( VSP2860 )14-09-04
AkuraCX34Switching to standby & int line tear.Replace wire links under IC307 bypass holder , IC301 ( VSP2860 )14-09-04
AkuraCX35Dead - Low HT 40 - 60vR840 47k o/c in psu comparitor cct14-09-04
AkuraCX35 NicamNo soundReplace Eeprom14-09-04
AlbaCTV3359No pic - sound okLoss of line drive - Q601 BD679A reg; print flash over between base Q601 & o/p scan coil skt14-09-04
AlbaCTV3400Field foldover at top when cold - HT low at 96v (115v)Q506 o/c14-09-04
AlbaCTV3408DeadRP4 o/c in PSU 330K14-09-04
AlbaCTV3409Dead fuse ok Q801 s/cReplace Q801 BUZ77, R809 0R47 ?w fusible, R805 330k 1W14-09-04
AlbaCTV3409 11AK20SLED stays green (pic ok)Q803 BC547 st/by sw tr leaky14-09-04
AlbaCTV3458DeadRP4 330k o/c14-09-04
AlbaCTV3458Dead - BUZ90 chopper s/cD5 FR144 in snubber network s/c - also replace R4 & 5 & TDA460514-09-04
AlbaCTV3458Dead with mains fuse blownC8 1nF 1kv leaky14-09-04
AlbaCTV3458Field collapsed to 1"R25 12k o/c - feed to 33v supply14-09-04
AlbaCTV3459Int Field collapse with it turning offBlanket resolder field stages even if they look ok14-09-04
AlbaCTV4808 11AK19E3No tuning but tuning bar movesQ501 BF240 - BC548C works in this position14-09-04
AlbaCTV713DeadStartup resistor R108 270k14-09-04
AlbaCTV713Lines at top of picC267 4µ7 160v leaky14-09-04
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