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Found: 54
Akai2185Won't go into st/byCHECK SUPPLY TO PIN 1 OPTOCOUPLER - R572 ( 470ohm )14-09-04
AkaiComp D2DeadD/J on on off switch or On off switch burnt14-09-04
AkaiCT-T21N32SI have an Akai CT-T21N32S which will not fire up, the red LED is illuminated on the front but nothing else happens, I have tested dozens of components but to no avail, the block diagram in the service manual I have is unreadable which is quite upsetting acure: replace eeprom IC602 ref 23-06-05
AkaiCT1417DSt/by onlyC40614-09-04
AkaiCT1417UKField collapseC411 leaky14-09-04
AkaiCT20K2PADark pic - increasing sub brill resulted in field collR436 120k o/c14-09-04
AkaiCT2107MS (Onwa)Int off with blob in centre of screenCheck for hairline cracks around chopper tfmr pins14-09-04
AkaiCT2115UKLack of width & burning smellR824 100R 2W overheating due to dry joint L82414-09-04

AkaiCT2115UKSt/by onlyPCA84C640P micro14-09-04
AkaiCT2125Comes on with chirping noise & st/by led on then trips out after 1/2 minC817 100µ 25v14-09-04
AkaiCT2125Int blank raster with fb linesOK when con TD203 on txt pcb removed - TZ01 27Mhz Xtal14-09-04
AkaiCT2137Field scan only I"No 33v via R442 - 5R16 8k2 o/c14-09-04
AkaiCT2137UKTNo sound except hiss - ok through scartwhen a 6Mhz resonator was fitted in vacant place 30F1 sound ok14-09-04
AkaiCT2137UKTVision buzzRemove digital transistor 9tr9 14-09-04
AkaiCT2142VNTPoor pic with fbck lines and curious colIC301 pin 12 supply only 7v5 (9v1). R424 (0R68) hi res14-09-04
AkaiCT2159 OnwaField faulty - int lines at top etcC417 220mfd 16v, C423 2200mfd 25v, C435 470mfd 16v14-09-04
AkaiCT2159UT OnwaNo start upC910 & C912 47µ14-09-04
AkaiCT2159VTDeadSw mode tr overheats - replace D901, C405, C910, C912 & C43114-09-04
AkaiCT215UKTrips off with chirp & no st/byC817 100µ o/c14-09-04
AkaiCT2179N-UKLine osc too fastC416 220pf 1kv dry joint, R412 10k ?w o/c14-09-04
AkaiCT2179NUKWhistles for 1sec then deadC807 47uF 25v14-09-04
AkaiCT2179UKInt blanking picRIC01 SPH113 chip faulty (blanking sig o/p at pin 25)14-09-04
AkaiCT2185Reverts to st/by aft few secs from sw onPin 19 of micro low - R748 100k pull up res faulty14-09-04
AkaiCT2185-10St/by onlydry joints psu14-09-04
AkaiCT2567St/by onlytiming constant capacitor for the standby IC is leaky. The IC is mounted on a heatsink in the middle of the board. C093 is a pair of surface mount capacitors [in parallel] connected between pins 2 and 4 of the IC. Remove these capacitors and replace them with a 220nf.14-09-04
AkaiCT25792 inch gap at rh sideC516 470pf 1.6kv next to lop tx14-09-04
AkaiCT2579NSteady, Oversized picC513 scan corr cap dry joint14-09-04
AkaiCT2585Dead - lop tr s/cDry joints & line dr tr T507 BD337-25 int causing arcing noise14-09-04
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