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Found: 66
AkuraBaby 10Brightness - no controlD409 o/c14-09-04
AkuraBaby 10Dead - list of psu 2 faultsFault 1: Dry joints on IC402, also check 12V socket. Fault 2: Line output transistor is dry jointed (emitter). Fault 3: Check if fuse holder 5AT is loose. Fault 4: Replace D410 in line stage with two RGP30 in parallel. Fault 5: Check regulator block for dry joints. Fault 6: Check D410 (FR604) in the line output stage.14-09-04
AkuraBaby 10Dead - list of psu faultsFault 1: Check output of regulator IC402. S/C in DC jack may blow the 5A/T fuse. Note: IC402 can cause other faults, such as oversized picture with bent verticals. Fault 2: Check L110 for dry joint. Fault 3: [No 12V at regulator]. Check R402 (1R/0.5W) for O/C. Fault 4: Check line drive transformer (TX EM103) for dry joints. Fault 5: Check print between output and destination of (potted) regulator for O/C. Fault 6: Check line output transistor for broken print. Fault 7: Check fuse F402 and diode D402, damage due to incorrect connection of battery. Fault 8: Replace IC402. Check EEprom chip IC601 (MN1220). Fault 9: Check regulator IC401 (L7812). Fault 10: Check the DC input sockets for high resistance. Fault 11: [5A fuse blown]. Check D412 FR155 diode for S/C a BY299 will do. Fault 12: [Regulator OK]. Check line drive transformer for dry joints. Fault 13: Check mains transformer for O/C. Fault 14: [630mA fuse by switch O/C]. Check bridge rectifier for S/C. Use 1N5401 as replacement. Fault 15: Check IC402, F401 (630mA) fuse and D403, D405 in the bridge rectifier circuit. Fault 16: [F401 blown]. Check D404. Fault 17: [No PSU start up]. Check resistors R301 (330K) and R302 (330K). Fault 18: Check 12V DC-IN socket.14-09-04
AkuraCT20Int field , field cramping etc.Q303 heatsink is used as link , fit a wire link in this position14-09-04
AkuraCX10Dead - no standby light.R402 high.14-09-04
AkuraCX10Dead apart from relay click15v across C403 1000µ but only 3v at reg o/p - IC402 AL271 reg14-09-04
AkuraCX10No picture.Efficiency diode FR605.14-09-04
AkuraCX10No sound or picture.DC converter IC ( it has a massive heatsink )14-09-04
AkuraCX10No sound or picture.D410 s/c also check R320 ( 33R ) if higher change it.14-09-04
AkuraCX10Tuner low gainR114 150k & R119 56k or IC201 TAY680AP but then is temp dependent14-09-04

AkuraCX10 (Baby 10)Int deadDry joints inside discrete type reg module14-09-04
AkuraCX12Dead set.IC801 ( STR41090 )14-09-04
AkuraCX12Dead with squealing from PSU.C412 ( 47uf100v ) o/c.14-09-04
AkuraCX12Field non lin - cramped in centreSupply to chip only 11v (22V) D813 BA157 leaky tho measured ok14-09-04
AkuraCX12No pic - osd & sound okCheck contrast setting - reset & store by holding down sw 002 by tuner14-09-04
AkuraCX12No sound or raster - HT rail at 27v normally 112vC828 ( 47uf 160v ) low.14-09-04
AkuraCX12Psu makes noisesC828 47µ 160v o/c - check all thro pcb wire links14-09-04
AkuraCX1400deadht to lop tr ok; ht low on line dr tr coll. Perm 5v on driver tr base due to non osc of x701 at pin 25 IC703 on dig pcb. Dry joint between xtal & chip14-09-04
AkuraCX1400int functs - off, frame coll, st/by, blank rasterremove dig pcb and blanket resolder14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TDead.Q801 ( BUT11AF )14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TFrame collapse.IC301 ( TDA8172 ) , C302 ( 1000uf35v ) , C306 ( 2200uf25v )14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TInt sound.IC601 ( TDA1013B ) , C607 ( 220uf35v ) or C603 ( 1000uf25v )14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TLong time to come on/rolling/random txt7v rail low at 5.5v - C841 470µ 16v14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TTakes a long time to come on. When it did come onC841 ( 470uF , 16V ) fit a 25V , 105R C type.14-09-04
AkuraCX1400TTripping.Q401 ( 2SD1555 ) , LOPT14-09-04
AkuraCX18Deado/c pri st/by tfmr14-09-04
AkuraCX23Flyback lines near topC303 100µ 35v14-09-04
AkuraCX24Dead - hesitant to come on originallyR811 560k in psu pri hi res14-09-04
AkuraCX24No sigstuning volts fixed at 31v - R023 47k o/c14-09-04
AkuraCX24Sound lowCheck for dry joints C622 1mfd bi-polar cap behind audio IC14-09-04
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