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Found: 47
GEC1401Int colour - poor line syncR519 ( 22k ) high.14-09-04
GEC1402No sound at switch on / dist soundC228 leaky.14-09-04
GEC1402Whistle - low frequency.Lin coil L505.14-09-04
GEC2002HRaster - bright screen & flyback lines.R258 o/c.14-09-04
GEC20AXBlank white raster with flyback lines.D212 leaky , R281 o/c ( 82k on decoder PCB ) use 2x39k14-09-04
GEC20AXDead - fuse blown.R515.14-09-04
GEC20AXNo blue.P209 ( blue cut-off ) track o/c.14-09-04
GEC20AXNo colour - lack of brightness.IC502.14-09-04
GEC20AX MK1Channels - Jumping back to channel 1.IC201 ( SAA1025 ) , IC202 ( SN74141N ) , D206 , C5 , IC3.14-09-04
GEC2110Blank raster - sound ok.R122 ( 120uf ) o/c.14-09-04

GEC2110Int colour.DJ on C251 ( 0.33uf )14-09-04
GEC2286Frame top foldover.C608 o/c ( 22u f 160v )14-09-04
GEC2296Frame top foldover.R813 gone low.14-09-04
GEC3133No sound or picture.IC TCA270.14-09-04
GEC3135Dark picture.R361 ( 470k ) o/c.14-09-04
GECC1041HGrainy picture & noisy sound.R334 ( 10k )14-09-04
GECC1402H CVC801Startup - dead.IC700 ( 7812 ) 12v reg , T873 , IC870 ( TDA2140 ) check by change14-09-04
GECC1407HDead - with whinning noise.2D910 ( 3V zener ) s/c.14-09-04
GECC1502Frame - roll if sound level is increased.R817 ( 0.82R ) high feed to TBA820.14-09-04
GECC1653Dead - Int.DJ on LOPTX pin 2.14-09-04
GECC1653Tuning drift.DJ inside tuner/IF can.14-09-04
GECC1658HLow frame.C603 47uF 160v14-09-04
GECC2000Sound - crackling noise during search on AV.Mod.14-09-04
GECC2036H PILNo neons on touch-tune.IC202 ( SN70769N )14-09-04
GECC2055Bright raster (esp on RH side) with striationsC719 4µ7 250v14-09-04
GECC2110Dead - blowing mains fuse for no reason.Check fuse holder for being loose or charred.14-09-04
GECC2110Int no colour.P252 ( set ACC ) noisy , C117.14-09-04
GECC2110Line - Int line oscillator - no pictureC411 ( 0.01u f ) s/c.14-09-04
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