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Found: 72
HinariCT4No sigs - tuner faultyReplacement ?25+ so used U341 in lieu stuck to side of orig - note connections reversed14-09-04
HinariCT4Smeary picRGB o/p coll volts low, L501 10µH hi res14-09-04
HinariCT4 TLG0101Loud whining noise from L/H side.LOPTX14-09-04
HinariCT4 TLG0101No frame.R313 ( 8.2ohm ) o/c , Q310 , Q301 ( 2SA940/2SC2073 ) .14-09-04
HinariCT4/5Front display inop, no sigs or front functsNo 5v - D426 BA157 s/c supply from LOPTx14-09-04
HinariCT4/5Int sound with crackleCheck IF screening can fitted correctly14-09-04
HinariCT4/5/6Tuning critical for colourAdj tuning then adj AFC coil L13114-09-04
HinariCT5Cramping.C901 ( 2.2u f , 35v )14-09-04
HinariCT5DeadCheck st/by tfmr14-09-04

HinariCT5Dead apart from buzzing - no line driveBreak in print front lh corner of pcb - no supply to driver stage feed res R40114-09-04
HinariCT5Field bounce - intC901 2µ2 35v tant in feedback cct14-09-04
HinariCT5Field collapseR422 10R off pin 5 LOPTx o/c14-09-04
HinariCT5Field cramping in centreC307 tant 2µ2 in lin feedback cct 14-09-04
HinariCT5FIELD FAULTSSUSPECT C901 2u2 35v14-09-04
HinariCT5Int frame bounce / ragged picC901 ( 2.2u f , 35v )14-09-04
HinariCT5Sound int distortedQ602 leaky & replacement ran hot - 2 resistors s/c'ing C608 470µ o/p coupling cap - reposition resistors14-09-04
HinariCT5Stuck on Chan 8 & no functsO/Cs between front & analogue funct panel14-09-04
HinariCT5 TLG0101No frame.R313 ( 8.2ohm ) o/c , Q310 , Q301 ( 2SA940/2SC2073 ) .14-09-04
HinariCT6Poor , dull picR425 150k in beam lim hi res14-09-04
HinariCT6POOR PICR425 HIGH 150k14-09-04
HinariCT6Vert black lines -worse on high contrastC016 0µ1 50v contrast rail decoupler dry jointed14-09-04
HinariCT6/7/8 TLG0101No frame.R313 ( 8.2ohm ) o/c , Q310 , Q301 ( 2SA940/2SC2073 ) .14-09-04
HinariHIT10R Baby10Fuse o/c & Diode BY299 s/c.Change C345 ( 1000uf 35v ) at back14-09-04
HinariHIT51St/by onlyEarthing opto coupler D111brings set to life - opto faulty14-09-04
HinariHTV20dead with whistleQ402 lop tr s/c 2SD1555; C909 47µ 25v. HT = 115v14-09-04
HinariHTV20A (Onwa)Pic fades outDry joints heater supply to crt (orange wire) plug on main pcb14-09-04
HinariMT2Line - tearing when first switched on.T502 ( 2N1893 ) use BF355.14-09-04
HinariPXL100 EtronDead.1R 17watt on small front PCB o/c14-09-04
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