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Found: 38
Huanyu37-C2Hor lines & focusC610 2µ2 63v14-09-04
Huanyu37C-2int dead - esp when coldPower reg STR4211 int - stopped working when freezer applied14-09-04
Huanyu37C-2line collapsedry joints T78214-09-04
Huanyu37C-2No luminanceD306 1S2076 - checked ok out of cct14-09-04
Huanyu37C-2Pic shifted horizontallyD781 SM1-02 & R783 220 1w disintegrated - caused by C780 2µ2 160v14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3DeadLOPTr 2SD898B & ZD907 2v7 zener14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Dead - mains fuse blackenedDegaus therm14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Dead - mains fuse o/cBridge rects s/c, R901 6R 6w surge lim o/c, STR4211, ZD907 2v7 zener s/c, R909 270k o/c, Q781 LOPTr 2SD898B s/c14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Dead - no HT or crt htrsDry joints brown plastic inductor by scan coil plug14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Dead - whiningNo load on psu - no line drive - o/c print between line dr tfmr & L78114-09-04

Huanyu37C-3Dead with whiningHT measures 2.7v. OK on dummy load - LOPTx14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Field collapsedry joints field o/p chip14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Field flyback blanking missingCheck C612/613 1µ 50v14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Field non linC611 2µ2 50v o/c14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Line collapseLine lin coil dry joints & replace burnt R783 220R 1w14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3No colour.Check R318 12k, R778 & R779 1k5, TA7193AP dec chip14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3No luminanceCheck service switch for bad contacts14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3No pic - PSU o/ps okL509 12v feed to col dec chip IC501 o/c14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3No sound/pic - whining PSUInvisible dry joint at L782 in series with LOPTr emitter14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3No start upCheck R710 10k 3w - line osc start up res14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Ringing & patterningIC201 CD7607AP - TA7607AP does in lieu14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3Sound intpoor connection to speaker push on connector14-09-04
Huanyu37C-3When replacing C907 2µ2 160vMarkings on pcb may be wrong -ve of C907 to cath D90514-09-04
Huanyu37C-3RInt dead with mains sw solenoid operatingSTR4011 power chip14-09-04
Huanyu37C2Line collapse.Drys on T782.14-09-04
Huanyu37C2No go with whistle.Drys on T782.14-09-04
Huanyu37C2Squeal only at sw onCheck R786 2k4 2w o/c or R710 10k 3w o/c14-09-04
Huanyu37C3bright raster with fb linesRGB supply low C774 10µ 250v o/c14-09-04
Huanyu37C3Brightness varies & int fb linesC774 4µ7 250v14-09-04
Huanyu37C3Dead - line transistor s/c.ZD907 ( 2.7v ) zener.14-09-04
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