Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 355
JVC | C201EK | Dead with squeal from psu | Replace Q551 2SD1427 s/c LOPTx, Q923 2SD1274 s/c, D929 15volt Zener s/c, IC 901 STR54041 &
R919 390K & R905 330K slightly hi res | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C201EK | St/by only | Replace SBX-M904A Station Select Module ?39.78 + VAT from WVE & C913, C914 and C917 in PSU | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210EK | No sound | Crack in print by audio/IF sub panel | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210EKY | Dead | STR54041 chopper chip or C913/917 | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210EKY | Int luminance | Hairline crack in print pin 18 IC201 col decoder chip | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210EKY | Poor Focus | LOPTx replaced | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210EKY C210EKY | Focus - out of focus | If focus control adj A1's LOPTX faulty. | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C210KM | INT. SWITCHES TO STANDBY | D507 , D508 , Q508 , Q509 | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C2155EM | Slow start up | C13 & 33 220µ in st/by cct low cap | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21ET1EK | Contrast poor | R318 100k hi res | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | Bottom cramp, no col, pulling, warbling sound | Low 12v supply (9v) on D405 - R421 0R68 hi res | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | Dead | C910 0.1µ | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | Line freq off & lack of field bottom scan | R421 0R68 risen to 5R | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | No R/C operation | X601 xtal wrong freq fitted - should be 4Mhz not 17Mhz | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | No sigs or R/C | ZD603 5v6 zener faulty causing 5v to micro low at 4.4v | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | No start up - maybe int. | C901 ( 0.1uf ) in startup cct | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | No vision | CMOS switch IC202 4066B - comp video disappeared through it | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | Power supply not starting up , may be intermittant. | Replace C910 0.1uF | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK | St/by only | HT present 110v. Replaced C909, C911 47µ 50v 105deg, ZD401 12v zener s/c, R419 1R0 2w o/c | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK Onwa | Field collapse, no sound after replacing C909/911 R419 & 12v Zener | R421 0R68 ?w fusible o/c; D406 s/c - used BY228 | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21M3EK Onwa | No sound | IC601 micro has no PWM o/p on vol cont pin - chip faulty | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21TX1EK | NO SYNC | X002 6Mhz XTAL US ON TEXT PCB | 14-09-04 |
JVC | C21TX1EK | No sync | Sync signal goes thro Txt panel - X002 6Mhz Xtal was faulty with no osc | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CJT21EK | Dead - no start up volts pin 4 IC921 | Has lowish res both ways between pin 4 & chassis of STRF6653 - chip faulty | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CJT21EK | Sound dist aft 15 mins | IC651 AN5265 | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CS2180EK | Tuning drift | Station select module SBX-M904A(E) | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CS2181EK | Low gain esp at higher end of band | AGC pot replaced | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CS2181EKT | All stations reverted to chan 21 & tunes but no chan store | Check sm elects in station select module for leakage | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CS2181EKT | No signals | No o/p from Prescaler chip M54477L in tuner - chip unavailable so replacement tuner reqd at ?40 + | 14-09-04 |
JVC | CS2181EKT | No signals - Ok via scart socket. | IC M54477L in tuner ( NLA ) req new tuner. | 14-09-04 |