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Found: 10
LGCF25A50FField mod when FOPTr has blownFit TDA8350Q & use heatsink compound as well as the grey thermal transfer pad between the chip & the heatsink. Change C352 to 22mfd (was 47mfd) 50 volts Change C708 to 22mfd (was 47mfd) 100volts . This is located to the left of the LOPT on the 45 volts rail. Change FR359 to 22ohms half watt fuse resistor (was 10 ohms) This is also located to the left of the LOPT on the 45 volts. rail. Add a 0.01 mfd cap on pins 8 & 9 of the frame chip & 0.1mfd between pins 7 & 8 (both 100volts)14-09-04
LGCF25A50FReverts to st/by aft 2-3 secs, HT drops to 60vIC351 FOP chip TDA8350Q & FR350 10R fusible14-09-04
LGCF28C22F etcField collapseFit mod kit KITPC33J (7 parts inc)14-09-04
LGCI14B50F 11.1St/by only - no line drNo 12v supply to line dr trfmr Tr101. Check back from pin 15 chopper trfmr - R410 0R1 o/c & dry joints chopper trfmr14-09-04
LGCI20E20Dead with STRS5707 chopper chip & bridge rect s/cAlso replace 4 x elects in psu14-09-04
LGCI21T24FSt/by only - red LED lit no power to psu priDry joints RL108 relay14-09-04
LGKE14U73St/by onlyHT present but no 8v supply to IC500 jungle chip pin 37. D850 in psu leaky14-09-04
LGKE14U73 CombiSwirling lines & static pops on picpoor earthing of the deck to the screen large VCR screening can14-09-04
LGLV710Wont tune - "SAFE" displayedSus EEPROM14-09-04
LGVariousModifying R/C to access service modesThere is a service remote availiable but if you have a remote which uses an SAA3010T IC , simply connect a tact switch between pins 1 & 11 to access the service mode .14-09-04
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