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Found: 12
Logik1401 TLG0101No frame.R313 ( 8.2ohm ) o/c , Q310 , Q301 ( 2SA940/2SC2073 ) .14-09-04
Logik4090 TX90No colourD103 ( BAV20 ) connected to pins 19 &23 of decoder IC.14-09-04
Logik4090 TX90No colour with faint blue cast.C157 ( 22nf ) leaky on pin 18 of IC103.14-09-04
Logik4090 TX90No colour.C157 , C159 ( 22nf ) o/c , D103 high or dry jointed.14-09-04
Logik4090 TX90No sync.C125 ( 2.7nf ) , C129 ( 68nf )14-09-04
Logik4094 TX95Tuning - no tuning.R56 2.4k res o/c , IC 902 ( M293B1 ) on side board.14-09-04
Logik4294 TXSound - low or distorted.Adj coil next to sound o/p IC14-09-04
Logik4298 TX100Dead.D15 ( BY299 ) in psu s/c.14-09-04
Logik4298 TX100Fast tripping.LOPTX14-09-04
Logik4298 TX100Frame scan distorted.IC TDA3651 frame IC.14-09-04

LogikLK-74Fault on 74cm T.V., frame collapse with slight lines above center collapse, susspect corrupted EEPROM (24C04), replaced FOP (TA8403K), picture I.C. = TB1238AN, suss data corrupt, need .hex file/set up data[list:b9d4509a8f][/list:u:b9d4509a8f]Hi there I presume you have checked for the correct voltage on the input side of the field output ic also the sandcastle pulse,the capacitors in the field stage are always prone to drying out too due to the heat in the area.11-07-05
LogikTX90Snowy picture - channels 1-8 not storing.IC902 ( M293B1 )14-09-04
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