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Minoka1495TDead - HT present at LOPLine dr tr coll volts low due to being turned hard on; IC703 pin 21 high due to no osc & dry joints pin 2414-09-04
MinokaCX1400TAppears dead.Check for line drive - if missing check for Osc. on XTAL X701 17.73MHz.If missing replace XTAL X701.14-09-04
MinokaCX1400TIntermittant field jitter.Dry joints on frame o/p IC.14-09-04
MinokaCX1400TNo green or no redCheck the 150k resistors R507/3.14-09-04
MinokaMK1491AGreen raster - no videoTA8718 IC201 Timebase gen/col dec u/s14-09-04
MinokaMK1491ATripping with 112v HT lowDis loptr makes no difference - TDA1013B audio o/p IC faulty14-09-04
MinokaMK1498NDead apart from buzz at sw on5v supply ok at pin R on daughter board but pin R (reset) was only 2.8v instead of 5v - IC701 has s/c pin 23 - chip u/s - Akura provide board exchange service14-09-04
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