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Found: 8
NaikoCTVN2897Sound absent - pic okNo 26v supply to audio chip. Replace QR26 (TIP115).14-09-04
NaikoN1096deaddry joint C308 3n3 connected to TA7698AP chip14-09-04
NaikoN1096deadmelted dc socket14-09-04
NaikoN1495Dead - positor faulty had blown fuseKonig 4740 as used in ICC5 works ok14-09-04
NaikoN2818W PT92DeadLOPTr s/c & dry joints LOP stage esp LD03 - invisible dry joint under glue14-09-04
NaikoN2897Dead with whining psuC134 dry joints, LOP Tr s/c but overheated when replaced - R196 in supply to TDA4950 & chip replaced14-09-04
NaikoN2897 F16No sound/pic R170 0R1 fusible o/c in 25v supplyFailed again when replaced - TDA1521A sound o/p IC was the cause14-09-04
NaikoN3211 PT92Dead - blows LOPTrDJ on coil LD01 - joint covered in glue so not easy to see14-09-04
page: 1
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