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OrionCT3Dark picture / No colourX401 CERAMIC RESONATOR CSB500F2 US14-09-04
OrionCT33C1STXDark pic with no colContrast control worked in reverse; X401 CSB500F2 ceramic resonator duff14-09-04
OrionSKV2194Chans tune but won't storeEEPROM TC8910114-09-04
OrionTriade 34Dead - blows bridge rectFit 4 x BYD33M, 150µ smoothing cap chopper tr & TEA2261 14-09-04
OrionTV400No sound/picIC7016 8v reg14-09-04
OrionTV400TXDeadR3519 150k and R3525 390K both high res14-09-04
OrionTV400TXDead - 2A fuse o/cC2524 1000pf 1kv disc ceramic cap breaking down14-09-04
OrionTV450RLED pulses continuously - HT low & pulsingOK on dummy load - LOPTx was faulty although it tested ok(breaking down under load) - HR8026 ?16.95 CHS14-09-04
OrionTV700BR CTN-AATripping with LED flashing in timeFit dummy load to HT supply - removing pin 1 LOPTX gave 101v - LOPTx u/s - grey type Part Number OR312813820411available from CPC @?21 +vat14-09-04
OrionTV705RDead7525 STP3NA60PF s/c, 6502-6505 1N5061 s/c, 7514 TDA4605 u/s, 2A fuse o/c, 3523 33R 1/3w o/c, 7445 BUT11AF s/c14-09-04

OrionTV705RDead with faint tickingLOPTr BUT11AF s/c14-09-04
OrionW1450EDeadStart up res R503 330k o/c14-09-04
OrionW310Field cramp & lack of height4µ7 50v cap behind FOPTr14-09-04
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