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Found: 22
PioneerElite VSX-27TXPioneer Elite VSX-27TX. However, most of the time I can't get any sound. Now and then afer 15 to 20 minutes of leaving it on it comes to live.There probably are some dry solder joints or bad cable connections in this amplifier. Just switch on the amp, and gentley tap on the chassis with an isolated screwdriver. If the sound "jumps" back on, there almost certainly is a bad solder joint / connection. 19-07-05
PioneerSD21AV1blank screen - purple at rightripple on 12v line cured by replacing C522 100µ, C525 10µ. TDA5930 u/s14-09-04
PioneerSD26Dead with squealing from psuC852 2200µ14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Bright raster with flyback lines.T1043 ( BC858B ) , T1044 ( BC871 ) , R1043 ( 1k )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Dead - 2amp fuse blown.FH1701 ( IN4007 )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Dead - No HT o/p from psu when connectedIC401 fop chip TDA3654 s/c 26v supply14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Dead.TR501 , T501 ( S2000AF ) , IC521 ( uA7812 ) , IC3501 ( TDA1521 ) , FH1701 ( 1N4007 )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Dull picture with flyback lines.CRT faulty.14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Frame cramping.IC402 ( TDA3654 )14-09-04

PioneerSD28AV1No B-Y.IC950 ( TDA4680 )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1No colour.IC1452 ( SDA3526/2 )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Pic displaced 3" to leftC516 470pF 1600v14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Picture displaced to RHS.C502 ( 7.5nf )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1Small raster - low 155v line.IC723 ( L7808CX )14-09-04
PioneerSD28AV1St/by only - led flickers5v from 7805 IC722 reg varies - Micro IC1415 pin 27 s/c14-09-04
PioneerSV2102EHT NO PIC OR SOUNDU4606 ( DO NOT USE PIONEER PART No !!! )14-09-04
PioneerSV2102No sound/vis - EHT presentIC U460614-09-04
PioneerSV2801No contrast - RGBs high at 165vU4606 vid proc chip faulty - U4647 does14-09-04
PioneerSV2801Sound intCheck spkr pl/skts & AM/FM sound module earthing for dries & QS46 17.7292MHz Xtal14-09-04
PioneerSV2803Field foldover at bottomC2582 680µ 35v14-09-04
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