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Found: 36
SaishoCT206Dead - no leds, fuses okCheck st/by tfrmr & ICP101 N5 cct prot14-09-04
SaishoCT208TTTxt operates even when not asked toIC903 SAA5040B14-09-04
SaishoCTR5No sound on TV or radio sect7808 reg o/c14-09-04
SaishoFST212ADeadRelay o/c - nla but RS type can be used14-09-04
SaishoFST212TDeadR502 5R6 o/c; STR58041; R516 1R5 o/c;14-09-04
SaishoFST212TFailure of regs STR50103 or STR580412 mica washers fitted instead of 114-09-04
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