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Found: 8
Seleco21SM427UKInt shut down to st/byDry joints chopper tfmr sec T40114-09-04
Seleco22ZA577GBDead - PSU okD88 s/c & R158 o/c14-09-04
Seleco22ZA577GBDead psu okD88 sc R518 oc14-09-04
Seleco24SS487Comes on with mains sw but not from st/byReplace 2 x 100µ caps next to psu control chip14-09-04
SelecoS21B10High HT at 320v instead of 125vcheck caps in psu14-09-04
SelecoS21B10No sound aft hi HT fault curedQ601 sm s/c - used BC848 in lieu, DD601/2 o/c & 2 x sm res 1R5 o/c14-09-04
SelecoSM1 280SDead - HT at 25v - ok on bulbS2000AF LOPTr slight leak & dry joints CI40214-09-04
SelecoSM360.1UKSlow start up from small to normal size picC423 47µ 250v (+142v HT res cap)14-09-04
page: 1
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