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Found: 55
ThomsonICC19 28DG35UDDead with led flashingunplugging Dolby module restored pic. TDA2615 amp chip IS450 blasted - pt no 1025788014-09-04
ThomsonICC7field TDA 8172note from SM page 3 : If pin 8 p? IC 7600 is at 0 volt, then there is a fault in the PROT circuit.14-09-04
ThomsonICC9Trips on & off aft 1 minOK when you s/c TR96 sm st/by tr - TV92 sm was the cause even tho it check ok out of cct14-09-04
ThomsonICC9 37M973JE-W bowingIV01 STV2160 replaced & uprate CV46 from 10nF to 22nF sm; RL45 3R3 o/c, LL08 pt no 10092690, CL42 4µ7 160v14-09-04
ThomsonICC9 37M973Jservice mode enteringSwitch on holding in Blue Txt button then press blue button again14-09-04
ThomsonICC9 37MG73JPic break up with folded horiz lines at bottom halfRF11 safety res 1R5 o/c pt no 1502256014-09-04
ThomsonIKC1Int start up unless vots I/p is 160vacCL65 smoother on the 13V rail (measured ok)14-09-04
ThomsonIKC2No col via scart - ok off air4.43Mhz Xtal14-09-04
ThomsonRP46Tripping - EHT splitter faulty, new one has short lifeR18 220k hi res & check R9 100k 2w 14-09-04
ThomsonTX80Dead with mains fuse o/cTP 10 (S2000A or BU508A), CP08 (100uF/63V)14-09-04

ThomsonTX805St/by onlyRP92 o/c (0.68 ohms in 14" ) ( 0.56 ohms in 20" )14-09-04
ThomsonTX807Service mode access|Switch set on, put into stby. Wait for Stby LED to go out. Whilst holding down Text button on r/c switch set back on continue to hold test button till menu appears. Press Text button again to access the different settings.14-09-04
ThomsonTX807 20MG10CSound conversion to 6MhzReplace 2 filters Q132 video & Q134 sound for 6 Mhz ones14-09-04
ThomsonTX807 25DG21UDead - st/by onlydry joint CL21 0µ14 1.6kv, LOPTr BUH516 leaky - use BUH517TH or equiv14-09-04
ThomsonTX807C 10MK16UFLoud buzz on AV I/PIV001 TDA9554PS/N1 U/S. Fit Micro kit part No.3519004014-09-04
ThomsonTX807C 14MG15UDull pic/low contrast - does vary slightly when adjRL002 100k ?w o/c in beam lim (in LOP stage)14-09-04
ThomsonTX807C 14MK15U1No comp video via scart - ok off air picBreak between RV023 & RV022 (invisible)14-09-04
ThomsonTX807CS 25DG17USound missing except from scartmulti-sound processor IS100 (MSP3415D-PO)14-09-04
ThomsonTX90 ChassisInt. White raster with flyback lines visible, or switches off. Seems as if there is a cold solder joint.Replace TDA8218 chip. It has occured many times with these ST made chips.14-09-04
ThomsonTX91No sound aft droppedRA08 22k sm res dislodged;14-09-04
ThomsonTX92 28DT73HReverts to st/by aft few minsDry joints pins 1 & 2 LOPTx14-09-04
ThomsonTX92FLED flashing at sw on (prot mode)disable pin 4 of IP 70 IC TDA8139 to over-ride prot cct - shows field coll; IC STV2145 (IF02) was faulty, but still no functs - replaced EEPROM - now bad col with green flashes - jungle chip faulty14-09-04
ThomsonW7023UTrips with brief line coll after LOPTx replacedFOP chip & ZL11 cp o/c - looks like a brown cap14-09-04
ThomsonW7023U ICC17Dead with front LED blinking 2 then 7 timesIn prot mode - brown gunge around LOPTx. Fit replacement (comes a s a kit) pt no 3512367014-09-04
Thomson Ferguson14CB25UT C3615UTNo pic - sound ok but reverts to st/by aft 5-10secsDL07-BY228 in e/w stage14-09-04
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