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Found: 27
Triumph8209Colour drop out & line slip.Resolder R29 ( 27k ) under PCB.14-09-04
Triumph8209Colour intermittent.Dry on crystal.14-09-04
Triumph8209Dead - blown BU508D.Check R125 ( 4.7R , 2w ) for o/c.14-09-04
Triumph8209No startup.Drys on LOPTX.14-09-04
Triumph8209Shutdown - intermittent.Drys on LOPTX.14-09-04
Triumph8209Slow line lock.Resolder R29 ( 27k ) under PCB.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8000Dead.Check for hairline crack on bottom PCB.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8205No field scan.R709 ( 22k ) in series with field hold control o/c.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8208Frame jitter.R427 ( 220k ) replace with 180k14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209Bright white rasterC63 47pf o/c14-09-04

TriumphCTV8209Bright white raster.C62 ( 47pf ) o/c.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209Dead.IC TDA4600 chopper control IC , 2.2ohm surge limiter.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209Int going into standby.Drys on line driver TX.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209Line collapse.C121 o/c.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209No red.TR11 ( BF869 ) o/c.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8209Overbright raster with flyback lines.C120 o/c.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8210Dead - 1A fuse o/cD507 s/c; STR451 s/c; HT decoupling cap 100µ 160v faulty14-09-04
TriumphCTV8210Dead - intermittent.Check for breaks in print on CRT base.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8210Int continuous trip - HT rises to 200vSTR451 chip u/s - fit STR50103 as a replacement with mod14-09-04
TriumphCTV8210No videoIC601 µPC1356C - obtained from Mastercare14-09-04
TriumphCTV8210Startup - taking a long time to come on.Check for breaks in print on CRT base.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8211Dark & poor pictures.R937 ( 3.3k 1W ) o/c , due to print arcing from D914.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8212DEAD ONLY RELAY CLICKSD503 + 505 SC 3v6 1.3W ZENERS SC14-09-04
TriumphCTV8212St/by only - relay clicks at sw on110v HT low at 30v; STK7308 power chip u/s14-09-04
TriumphCTV8402Herringbone patterning - sound Ok.C807 ( 120u f ) in PSU.14-09-04
TriumphCTV8402Txt lines at top of screenC312 10µ 35v14-09-04
TriumphCTV8520Dead - crackles.Tripler , can use a universal & thorn 9000 focus pot.14-09-04
page: 1
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