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Found: 11
Watson11AK19Excess Width E/W Distortion TEA2031A hotL602 open circuit ( dry jointed)14-09-04
Watson11AK19Hum bar on pic & no R/CC804 mains smoothing cap - all supply line slightly down14-09-04
Watson11AK19Pic appears briefly but resorts to 4 horiz lines - sound okR704 100 Ohms resistor (behind elect near field chip)14-09-04
WatsonFA2801TS 11AK19ProDead - psu pcb tracks o/c due to heatD625 (used BY127)14-09-04
WatsonFA2801TS 11AK19ProDead with psu blownIC802 MC44604, D824 RL207 USED BY299, D824/5/6/7 ALL BA159's, Q802 FET P6NC60FB used BUZ90 in lieu, D823 IN1418, R850 180K (Read ok but changed as a precaution.), R817 2.2R 5W, R814 47R, R819 0.22R, C848 220MFD (Read ok but changed as a precaution.)14-09-04
WatsonFA2801TS 11AK19ProNarrow picDry joints C630 560nf & R629 27R o/c & dry joints E/W FET & 2w res burnt up (fitted 330R). The whole pcb reqd repair to tracks due to overheating14-09-04
WatsonFA3629B 11AK20SEService mode enteringGo to Install in customer menu & press 4, 7, 2, 5 on handset 14-09-04
WatsonFA3629B 11AK20SESound missingR829 47R in TDA2822M IC301feed o/c & chip faulty14-09-04
WatsonFA5329 11AK19Sound crackles, pic jumps & radiating to other tvsRefit EHT lead into LOPTx14-09-04
WatsonFA7039 11AK19Dead with LOPTr s/cHT at 170v on dummy load - R823 130k hi at 170k14-09-04

WatsonFA7039 11AK19Width excessive & no E/W adjL602 loading coil to left of LOPTx dry jointed legs - remove & scrape clean14-09-04
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