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Found: 12
Wharfedale350DeadFET- used BZ90, R4 270k hi res, R9 47R burnt up - also TDA4605-5 is possibly damaged14-09-04
Wharfedale550Dead - no line drivereplace Q580 (C1573A) and R609 1K 4W14-09-04
Wharfedale550Field shifted down after burnt LOPTx replacedReplace RD06 10k & RD17 4K7 (burnt) & adj in serv mode (in vault)14-09-04
Wharfedale550Off with burning smellC599 2n2 high volts disc ceramic cap in LOP burnt14-09-04
Wharfedale550Pic absent - sound okR609 1k 5w o/c & Q580 2SC1537 line dr tr leaky14-09-04
Wharfedale550St/by only - no line driveQ580 (2SC1573A line driver) equiv 2SC3468 (Seme) - also replace LOPTr BU508AF14-09-04
Wharfedale550Width lacking & no E-WRD18 ( 5K6 1w safety) o/c which was caused by CD21 ( 470 or 680nF 250v ) being O/C to print14-09-04
Wharfedale550FTBSCART I/p has no sync - sound okTDA8361A replaced & resolder scart14-09-04
Wharfedale550SDeadOn/off sw burnt out & replaced ID50 TDA8351- dry jointed & faulty; B+ = 145v14-09-04
Wharfedale550SLOPTx burningCHS part no ALB92414-09-04

WharfedaleM8DeadLOPTr s/c, RV38 2R2 fusible hi res or o/c, caused by dry joint LD0114-09-04
WharfedaleM8 Daewoo PT92DeadLOPTr s/c, RV38 2R2 fusible o/c or hi res (behind heatsink at back of LOPTx)caused by dry joint on LD01 (often hidden under glue by LOPTx)14-09-04
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