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File name F41.PDF

[ FAA23051-R. 3248. A t"- . Nikon NIKON CORPORATION Tokyo, Japan Nikon F4 I FAA23051-R.3248. A SUPPLEMENT OF NIKON F4 SPECIFICATIONS 1. Autofocus {1) AF detection range EV-1 to EV18 (at" ISOIOO) (2) AF mode AF-c (continuous servo autofocus) " Shutter can be released regardless of focus status; in focus or out of focus. q The camera continues focusing according to the movement of the subject for as long as you keep the shutter release button lightly pressed. s The camera switches to focus tracking mode at AFC+CL. Shutter release timing in focus tracking mode is after the AF sequence. AF-s (single servo autofocus) " Once the subject is in focus, the focus stays locked. Shutter can be released. . The focus stays locked for as long as the shutter release button is lightly pressed. MF (manual focus) Focus aid operation is possible. (3) Film advance and mechanical charge at each focus mode. AF lens AF-c CH CL I AF-s I ,,MF Non AF lens I Parallel Series +100ms Series +100ms Series +100ms Parallel Series Series +100ms m Parallel Parallel Focus tracking Series Cs s Parallel Series Parallel: Series: +100ms: Controls film advance and mechanical charge motors simultaneously. Film is advanced after the completion of mechanical charge. Shutter is released in 100ms after the completion of film advance and mechanical charge operations. -- M l -- . . * ,., ,! , I @AA23051-R.3248.A ,(4) Filters for autofocus - . Two filters for normal shooting and AF illuminator are incorporated which switch automatically according to the shooting situation to improve AF actiracy by `eliminating the error of illumination. (See below) .,. Q Filter will be switched when the spot metering value is less than BV2 or over BV5 as described below while pressing the shutter release button lightly under the AF illuminator firing condition. "a. AF'ill~mifia"tor' filter whefl the spot ketc!ring value is ~2 Or less. b ,. NormaI Shodting "filter whefi 'the spot metering value . is' BV5 or 0Vf3r. ., There is some difference ih'metering values "between "a" and "b'? (as mentioned above) so that the filter is not switched due to sligQt' variation of brightness. The filter is hot switched when the shutter release button is not lightly depressed(or shutter prerelease timer is activated.) As a ~esult, `the filtei for normal shooting will be switched to the one" for `Z#'illurninator when the AF illumirhtor fitiingeondi%ion is satisfied. `. AFilluniindtor firing conditions: ~~ ` - q The power is ON and the flash unit is mounted. q Focus mode is set to AF-S. q Spot metering value is less than BV2. . . . * The `focus-does not "stay-locked. " c AF lens .is mounted. . ., (Z9 . When the fil?kr moves `the filter after the regardless" of focus released"durifig this'. (5) Autofocus lock `bac~'and: fortfi"t& remove dust on cbinpletion of auto' f:lrn-loadin-g, mode selection. (Shutter can be - . . operation:) -,. ..' With the AF-L;button or the autofocus lock button on the lens sid
File name F41320.PDF

FAA23051-- R.S2A8., FD, DB, and DX FPC units 1. 2. 3. Remove shutter (See page D6) Remove display FPC unit, film rewind side FPC unit (See page Dll) Remove following screws and cables. (yellow) Thyristor trigger base plate Data back contact cover mm&M!w . ~. >.* ~19 (blue) w.,>. `&4& la ~ "'""""% F;4$$?,$,,,1, Thyristor trigger base ~late (orange)Thyristor trigger base plate . n &#l127 x 2 tape for arranging " cables (cables are fixed at f the rear side of the FP~) G103 -- - - - - - - m -. RW7 L[ Light leakage protective plastic sheet on the data >ack hole. (#69) . Sync contact X (black) Sync contact GND Thyristor trigger base plate ` D 1 3 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.1 IEEEl Overview of the front body Mirror driving base plate Lock encoder base plate Aperture photointerruptor Power Tr base plate I AF base plate MGND1 (black) Spot SPD (orange) (white) TTL SPD (yellow) (blue) \ VBAT (orange) =. MGND2 (black) fmm switch lens contact FPC Lens release button switch 4 AF ---1 ~' switch- f­fo pulley TC switch (white) fmm switch (brown) EE switch (orange) I AGND (blue) Vref (purple) f­fo (yellow) fo (green) -- D 1 4 -- AF base plate Adhesive tape for arranging cables ~ ) VBAT MGND 1 MGND j 1 `- n -- : junction cable AF PI = AF photointerrupt or -- D 1 5 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.} `9 #302x3 k #303x3 Lock encoder FPC AF motor , cable holder AF PTr G 1 0 3 AF -- (blue) ` I ~ AF switch 2-- @ I (white) AF motor (red) _ AF motor (black) _ J I Spot SPD cable holder AF PI-A (brown) AF PI-C (pink) w PI-E (blue) AF PI-K (grey) LL L_ AF PTr­E (orange) AF PTr­C (white) AF PTr-B (purple) Lock encoder FPC (brown) Filter switch 1 (green) Filter switch 2 (yellow) Spot SPD (orange) (white)- TTL SPD (yellow) (blue) AF sensor unit-- -- D 1 6 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.A 9 #302x3 & #303x3 AF AF (white) 1 1 ( Y-( I ] Spotl SPD AF motor (red) AF motor (black) AF PI-A (brown) AF PI -C (phlc) AF PI-E (blue) AF PI-K (grey) L_ cable holder AF PTr-E (orange) AF PTr-C (white) AF PTr­B (purple) ~Lock encoder FPC (brown) ~Filter switch 1 (green) Filter switch 2 (yellow) Spot SPD (orange) (white)- --TTL SPD (yellow) (blue) - AF sensor unit- -- D 1 6 -- FAA23051 - R.3248. Lock encoder FPC unit Aperture PI = Aperture photointerruptor Two soldered portions for the double lock switch Remove cables Aperture Mg (red) (blue) Remove two soldered ,, .porclons tor the double lock switch #1 Remove soldered portion for the aperture PI. ` n #lo39 x 3 Aperture ;oldered PI portion I (brown) Mirror operating base plate * Spread G71OO on each sliding portion. :or up lever at ing -- D17-- f­fo pulley, f­fo base plate f­fo pulley stopper w #lolo X2 A I f­fo pulley #1087 (Be sure not to damage the f­fo pulley shaft when mounting and dismounting #1087) ,. I Remove aperture coupling ring thread (Note : Attach with adhesive or Alon Alfa) I Remove cables AGND ­­ fo base plate (blue) Vref ­­ fo base plate (purple) I f-l
File name F42.PDF

FAA23051­ R. 3248. A ASS13MBLING Contents .--. --------- ---- __ _____ __ ._ ._. & AD~USTM13NT [Ass:mbl ing, back body ] Camera back parts -- . _ - - ----- ----- . _ _. _ . . . __ _ . ____ . _ _____-_, _____ - _ _ ._ Bottom cover and tripod parts -------- .- .-. ------ . . . . . . . . . _.. _ _.. _ --Film advance side cover, Film rewind side top cover Back body parts --- -- ---______ -. ____ --- ___ _____ _ ____ __ _ ----- - .- __ _ - . Sync contact, film detection switch --------FD, DBor DXFPC unit ------------------------------- -------- -----. . ..-. -. Shutter unit -- - - -- - - -- . --- . . . . . . . .- -- . -- ..- - . . . . \, Film rewind motor -- ---- - ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ___ . ___ . _ ..__ - __ - _ . M A2 A3 A4 a? A8 A9 A9 m Film rewind unit - ----------------------- ----------------------------- All Upper film advance parts - ------ ---- __ ____ _ ___ . . _ __ . . - . __ . . . . . . _ __ A12 F i l m advanw b a s e p l a t e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A13 Al~ Film advance base plate unit, disassembly, assembling ----- ---Mounting film advance baseplate unit --------------------------- A:> Shutter release fig, Lever under shutter release throught shaft ------- A25 DC-DC converter base plate ---- ----- ------ ----- _____ ______ _- ------------ A 2 6 Power TrFPC unit ---------------------------------- ------------------- A26 Shutter speed dial base plate --------- ----- ------ -- ------ ----- - ---- ---- A27 Mounting Main FPC ----------------------------------------------------- A28 Checking camera'back -. ---- . - ..- ----- ..- . . --- - - - . - ---- ------ - --- -- - . . A28 .----.----.-- l Assembling, front body] " ?q ------- - ---- ---- . -- -- ------- ---- - . . . ---- ---- ---- ---- --- A29 --A F b a s e p l a t e u n i t , f o b a s e p l a t e -u n i t- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A 3 2 . ---- --. ----------------- A33 Mirror box unit parts Mirror box unit ---------- ------ - -- - ----- ..- - . . . .- - -- -- .---------- ---- ----- A34 Front body parts Mounting mirror unit, I baseplate, L baseplate --------------------- A36 Mounting mirror box, front body ------ ------- -. - - - - - - - - - - ----- ..-. . . . A36 Filter driving base plate, filter unit, TTLSPD unit -------- ------ ---- A37 Seesaw lever ------ ---- ---- ---- ----- ---- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----.. A37 AF rnodeselect.or lever unit --------------------------------- ---------- A37 Lens release button switch - ---- --- -- - ---- - -. ------- ..- ---- ---- . -- . ------- A37 ---- . . ---- ---- ------ ----- ----- A38 Mirror operation base plate unit f-fo base plate, f-fo pulley Lock ------ ---- ---- ---- --------- ----- ---- ---- . A38 enco&w FPC unit ------------------------------- ------------------ A41,?- Cable arrangement on the lower part of the L baseplate ------------- A41 F'AA23051-R.3248. AF base plate unit ------ . -------------- ------- -------------- ------ - - -
File name F42125.PDF

lFAA23051 - R.3248.A Filter driving base plate unit, filter unit, TTL SPD unit Lock tight (purple) #1023 #1032 Filter sw cable holder Wg , Filter switch cable holder #1023 Spot SPD cable holder #1032 1 de ` >/n X 3 Q #1126 tight K Lock spot SPD caljle holder) (purple) Fi~ter driving base plate +1126 X 3 Positioning pin for mounting Filter driving base plate Latched portion o: filter driving base plate unit and filter unit 43 - -- D20 I lFAA23051 - R.3248. Lock tight (purple) 015 Filter top cover Infrared cut filter This will be latched with Filter driving base plate unit Filter holder Filter bottom cover Note : Inspection after mounting filter unit: Filter holder will slide by its own weight when the front body is declined. * TTL SPD holder is attached with 5 minute epoxy. )1 :ye'llow) TTL SPD holder -- D21-- FAA23051 - R.3248., Removing mirror box Adhesive (Alon Alfa Light baffling plate . @ #1052 X 2 `% #lo50 x 2 Note: Move aside the mirror box toward viewfinder side when mounting. -- D22 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.1 Aperture Mgr mirror unit, I base plate, L base plate unit ", Mirror down lever I n Mirror unit \\ idjust mirror thrust Washer is included. I base -- D23-- ]FAA23051 - R. 3248.1 lAFdriving baseplate unit, fobaseplatel Remove adhesive green cable of #1048 fo lever Remove I fo lever spring (#410) Remove mounting screw #1048 X 2 Remove AF drivng base plate and f. lever together without bending the f. brush. Set the f. lever at the location indicated by arrow a. #G103 ill! II I (green)' AF driving base plate positioning pin #1048 n `- -- D 2 4 --
File name F431318.PDF

I1 U 7 ~134426
File name F4316.PDF

FAA23051­ R. 3248. A E L E C T R I C C I R C U I T (1) BLOCK DIAGRAM FOR POWER SUPPLY -,--------------------------- El (21 WIRING DIAGRAM -------------------------------------------- E 3 [3) CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ------------------------------------------- E 4 (4) IC TERMINALS ------------------------------------------- -- E 5 [51 CHECKING LANDS -------------------------------------------- E 12 (6) MAIN FPC ELECTRIC PARTS, TERMINALS & CHECKING LANDS -------- E 19 [ 1 ) B L O C K D I A G R A M F O R P O W E R SLJPPLY FAA 23051-R. 3248. A I `~" `" b circuit 1 m l--+ I ..!.1 k I I 15 I t -- II Shutter/ I I I I I A N-111111111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3-411111111 I_ II d `i P-f ==1 II I I I I /7-'1 II r J Il!w I .r?pl . ." I -Idludl-dullv N-1 &nxoz , .'.' 1 ~" CYix I I 1:1 I 1~/4 /423051 R.3248. A I I T T 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 3.3V CTL2 CTL 1 SCK I/0 LAE DC C'TL3 Release sig. Pre-release sig. i k u ~CD signal I I u . i= Filter drive Filter drive E m -M accep Release ~ accept Release r. a, w ~ w'Jr drive E2 ... --.-- . ------..--. -b%hrzr-rnk \ \ z -. -1 n u -. :c:.. :..--..-: ` 7 :"2 .-- -- -- --. L!-- --.-- .-. `-"-- ~ ------------' B M o + .-- ---. ---- `M 1111 ii 1? co N lb m 3 n ?4 Green 1? % 0 n lx) u m ! u +. ! I 1 I I I I 1? U) o a m -1 -. . a m L Gray -- I 0 Wl!Lrrl 0 1+ co w :11 w ilk" Jr a .
File name F431926.PDF

FAA23051­ CHECKING LANDS (6) R.3248. A Rewind motor control--signal 1 AS-N3 -- -----.--- .-- Rewind motor control -- -- -- 2 . signal AS-N4 -- -- -- . . Charge motor driving signal AS-Pi -- ---- -- .------.-- AS-P2 .----.-- Spool motor driving signal -- -- -- Power GND ------ -- -- . 195 AS-PGND -- ..-- R2 SN 196 AS-R2SW ---- -- ---. ..--. 197 AS- R~SABLE Release permission -- --. --.- . .-l --..---------- .---- -- Release switch 198 AS-RSW -- -- .-- ..------ . ---- I -- ;Cdial 199 AS-SC -- ---- -- . -----output Analog GND for SCdial 200 AS-SCAGND-- ------ Ref. voltage 201 AS-SCVREF --..--------- for SC -----.---- ---. 3.3V for shutter 202 AS=SHUT3V --- ~ 203 AS-SHUT5V ~ 5. 5V for shutter GND for shutter 204 AS-SHUTGND TRIAC control terminal 205 AS-TRIAC -- Power source 206 AS-VBAT -- -- -- --Power source (after power SW) 207 AS-VCC1 -- ; I ---. -- I 191 192 193 194 .---- . . . ---- .-- R.-- I I l-~-----"--- { ­E17­ FAA 23051--R. 3248. A CHECKING LANDS (7) -- No. B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 ..-- B-10 B-n B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 B-18 B-19 B-20 B-21 B-22 B-j3 B-24 B-2~ B-26 B-27 Na;e WLB-CTRL WLB-12V WLB-5V WLB-VCC1 WLB-GND ASB-PCGND ASB-PCOA ASB-PC3V ASB-APMG ASB-APGND ASB-AP3V ASB- AEL ASB-PULSE ASB-Tii_ ASB-HOSEI ASB-TVVREF ASB-TVAGND ASB- ILLUMISW ASB-PSAM ASB-TVSELFLED ASB-TVPC3V ASB-MCHARGE ASB-COUNTER ASB-MAKISW ASB-TV3V ASB-TAJYU ASB-R1 -- Function ---- ---- .-- DC-DC converter-control terminal -- . . . DC-DC converter 12V ;utput --------. DC-DC conver;er 5.5V output DC-DC converter input. -- --. -- -- DC-DC converter GND-- -- -- -- -- -- GND for photo coupler Aperture photo interrupter output --- 3.3V for -- photo coupler -- ---- ---------------Aperture Mg signal -- --.---- GND for aperture Mg -- -- ----- 3.3V for aperturellg .--_.-----------. --. AE LOCK SW -- -- -------- -- - . ---- -- Mech. pulse output ---._---- Tvdial output -- -- ­ Compensation dial output -- ----_---- Ref. voltage for dial resistor .GND for dial resistor ---- Illuminator SW output -- .Mode dial output -- Self-timer LED cathode terminal ` -- -- -- 3.3V for Mech. pulse Charge compl-etion switch output -- -- . . Counter SW output Film advance SW output 3.3V for self -timer LED -- Not in use R1 switch output - ---- -- 1 -- -- -- -- -- ------- -E18-- -.-.---------- ---- z --ti /? 6) 0 0 (m 00 0 2 0 u o 0 o 0 0 0 m . I 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 L ( Uuuuuuuuq (-6 -1 o 0 u o 0 o 00 -- 0 0 o (- 0 0 0 L N 0 p 10 o [71 SWITCHES FAA23051­R.3248.A a ­E21­ NikOft~~/Ff@J FAA23051­R.3248.A ." m . ­E22­ F 4 E E F ' R O M D A T A ( N E W CF'U) ADDCONTENTS RESS 0 AF flag (6 bit:Ll, 7 bit:L2) 2 1 A/B balance compensation value (X ber P) VALUE TO BE WRITTEN FIXED I `~cpDF I `t!~ij ... 48 0 3 4 5 6 Absolute value of 11 compensation (at F2. 8) Absolute value of 12 compensation (at F8) Hard AGC compensation value K5 factor compensation coefficient (at F2. 8) K8 factor compensation coefficient (at F8) o 130 20! " "
File name F43712.PDF

/ c 4-. - f IC TE3RMINAL.S 1 lFAA23051-~ . L 1.. " 79AQ", 1, * .xA U 1 M51063GP (IIead Amp) 1 `in 1 Term i nal N. C Ref VOI A7 output -- [ Pin output Terminal _---- - .. ------ --.. ---- 36 A12 37 2 ----. . . . . . ..-- --- ---- . . . .--. ------- ----.. ..-- _---- -- ----.. ----...-- ---- ---- __ .--. -- _ _ --------- 2 3 N. C 4 N. C 5 Spot SPD input --6 . 7 8 9 10 [1 12 13 ----- . 14 A16 outPut N. C N. C N. C A30ff-setadj. 1 A30ff-set adj. 2 Vcc Reset output Reset delay C 38 N. C ------- ------ .- ..---. .---. --_ "79 A16 input 40 Vref (All output) 4 1 All input 42 --.--..--. A1O (+) input 2 ---- 46 47 48 AlO output AlO (-) input A9 output -- 2 0 .- ------ -- Discharging (DA1) --____ _ 2 1 Charging (DA2) ------...-------...--. 22 --- ---- .---- -- ----. N. C 2 3 ii-c --. 24 . .--. terminal Flash ----.---- ---. 2 .--.--. .-- .---- ------ _ 5 N. C 2 6 i n t e g r a t i o n s t a r t s i g n a. l . . .__. .._. ._-. --. ----. - .-- 2 N. C ----.. -- . . .----.---. ..-- _ 7 ----. --.. 2 __ _----- .- --. ---.-- . . ..-- .-- _ 8 Nash stopsig 1 2 9 Flash integration condenser 30 A15 output _----___---- -- -- -. --- ---- ----- ----3 1 A15 (-) input 3 2 A15 (+) input --.------- -----.---- 3 3 N. C 3 4 Sync ---- .---- - __--SPfl K.--. ---- -- 3 5 Sync SPD A E5 15 16 H 18 19 -- . GND K c N. C N. C N. C N. C .. --- ----..---- __ --.-- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --. .----.-- --.. --.---.--. .--. -- II 17 . U 2 ~51068FP (MPX--1) AA-n nc **-o `&o . . .. LJUC)l-l(. JL4 O.h A `in Name 1 2 3 -­4 5 . -- 6 7 8 Power GND _.-- B a t t e r y C h e c k -- DC­DC converter control Power hold AF p r e ­ r e l e a s e s~g `pre­re lease Sig -- R e l e a s e s i g Pre­re lease SW ­9 ` i r e ­ r e l e a s e M P X 10 P r e ­ r e l e a s e / r e l e a -- Pin 36 - 37 38 139 40 41 -42 ]43 44 -- I Naae Motor Motor NC Digita +3.3V +3.3V +3.3V +5.5V Vcc l mode 2 mode 3 GND output limiter base .---- _--..-- -- -- ---se s --g i 1 . . . . . --. -- _------ 11 NC SW _ -- .---_----.-- 12 R e l e a s e 13 i?_ NCc .R _-- . -- . - -- i: ` R e w i n d motor d r i v e 1 _ _ -- . -- 1 6 R e w i n d m o t o r drive 2----..---. i7 A n a l o g G N D I 1 8 -- S P O O1 motor b r a k e ---- -- 1 9 C h a r g e motor brake i 2 0 S P O OI motor d r i v e 21 ---- C h a r g e m o t o r d r i v e .--.. _ - -- -- ~ower G N D 2 2 ---.-- --..---- 2 3 _NC_ -- ---. . . ------2 4 Vbat 1 _----. -- 7, 5 NC _---- ------ -- ---- 2 6 .-- -- ----.------ ----. NC 2 _- ----. r-.e t u r e P I N T o u_t -- u t -- p -- _7 Ap 2 8 _---- c h p u l s e o u -- u t-- Me tp I -- i" 9 A p e r t u r e P I N T i n p u t _ - -- --. 3 0 .------ .- M e c h p u l s e P I N T i n p u t i 1. NC -- 1 _-- --- _ 3 2 NC _---- --- --- 3 3 i 4 3 5 Chip enable Motor mode O Motor mode 1 -- _----_----I i _-- -------- .----------. __.------ . -- . -- -- -- ---------------- -- -- -- _---- ---- --...------. ------ ---.----------..----------- -- . . . U 3 FAA 23051 R.3248. A c51062 m-
File name F4416.PDF

j FAA23051 - R.3248.A n L----------J 1---1 -- -- 1 -- I J I L I -- - -%M1 I 1 / -- 1 ! -- r I !-l -- -- . -- D1 -- lFAA23051 , - R.3248.A 2.DISASSEMBLING Note 1: Before disassenibly, be sure to familiarize yourself with the arrangement of the lead wires, location of screws and type of screws used. Note 2: As ICS are easily affected by static electricity, be sure to ground the camera when soldering or handling. ernal rubber Film rewind side rubber I I -- I al II I l B Bottom c!over rubber Film advance side rubber :tom cover #1056 X 2 #lo49 x 2 #1036 u, (Cover plate) x 2 53 1036 Removing cables Cable release terminal (blue) Cable release terminal ( rey) 8 1049 x 2 n" Cable release terminal (grey) \ P Lock tight (red) 1055 x 4 Tripod socket # .055 x 4 Cable release terminal (blue) -- D 2 -- I Film rewind side top cover Film advance side top cover FAA23051 - R.3248.A \!! #11 4 -Shutter speed dial rubber Shutter speed dial =72 X 3 Q , #733 k #'134 Q BG103 #B710 + $737 Mounting m rewind crank #1131 o A 0 a '9 / `" #946 4 7 9#lo45 Mount the top cover by setting the film advanc dial to CH and the film advance mode brus ring to theportion as indicated in the figure SC brush ring I ~ #1036 Film rewind side top cover Disassembling: Remove the top cover by setting the R2 lever in film rewind mode. Assembling: Mount the top cover while holding down the R2 button by setting the R2 lever in film rewind mode. -- D 3 Push button stroke Shutter prerelea is release I Rat ing t-=== i Stroke adjustment Length Identification: (groove) shaft None 4.95 1K360-032 1 1K360-033 5.10 2 1K360-034 5.25 1K360-035 5.40 : IK360-047 5.50 -- FAA23051 ( 0: junction Removing front body cable) Remove - R.3248.A cables by -- Bottom body Spot SPD (orange) Spot SPD (white) \ referring to the figure . I I Tape for arranging cables \l A Remove connectors ... VBAT (orange) MGND 1 (black) MGND2 (black) ---- .-------- ,n . / TTL-SPD \ Shielded FPC l'TL-SPD (blue ) (yellow)\ I Remove connectors [Main FPC ­­ shielded FPC (black) 1 = 25mm I advance side press contact I Film v II ,, -- Film I advance side ?ilm a ?ress Lid tress 1127 ress 1023 B670 672 contact lid x 4 contact x 2 #1127 I -1- #1 -- Film rewind side Remove cables by referring to the fi< ure. TC switch (White) fmm switch (brown) AGND (blue) Vref (purple) fo (green) f­fo (yellow) EE switch (orange) -- D 4 -- I? AA23051 - R.3248. A -- Top body #1025 x 3 #1050 . i A! I #1106 9 A X 2 Film rewind side viewfinder rail #1046 X 2 play block 025 X 3 Shutter speed dial base plate #lo50 Film advance mode base plate #1106 X 2 `. . ---- n ` SelfLtimer *Adjust the viewfinder mounting play by moving the film advance LED/K / (green) side viewfinder rail. / Self-timer LED/A (orange) #lo40 x 2 9- Remove cables .Self-timer LED/A (orange) Film advance Self-timer LED/K mode base plate (green) auppLy UC k r `he `ilm advance mode base pla
File name F44712.PDF

FAA23051 - R.3248. A Upper film advance unit -- Shutter speed dial . base plate w #lo50 Shutter speed diall Shutter completi (grey) Press contact (See page D6) Remove shutter speed dial FPC Remove cables and soldered portion (See figure at left) Sh~tter speed dial lering base plate rtion #lo50 #lo54 #1106 Pulse PI (blue) Pulse PI (green) I Film adv;nce #lo54 & completion switch ~#1106 (white) Pulse PI #1107 -- Film rewind base plate (frame counter unit) Pulse blade I E ring (#1087) I Remove multiple exposure lever wires I Multiple exposure relay lever shaft I Upper film advance unit base plate #1106 X 3 I #1087 pulse blade @ */ #1106 $? Remove the film advance unit base plate by moving the multiple exposure relay lever shaft ir the direction as indicated by an arrow. \ #1106 \' + 8 Multip'le exposure lever wires Multiple exposure \v relay lever shaft \ Multiple exposure relay lever -- D 7 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.A -- Film advance base ~late . #lo74 x 2 w~gj$ , .,., *Release shutter before disassembling the film advance base plate (Refer to page D6) ~ ,;J, : \ J i Unfasten film sprocket screws #lo74 x 2 Power supply base plate rnOUnting screw #1021 I k Film advance mode base ~late Insu Remove cables (See t]ne figure at left) black) (red) (grey) ` (brown ) (orange ) #lo . (yello w) Bottom body FPC mounting screw #1026 Lever under the shutter - release through shaft #1026 . 8 ` \ #lo19 @ Lever under the shutter release through shaft #lo19 O Bottom body FPC [echanical L harqe motor l -- = \ :k!!g&%;pool motor [FM) Power Tr. FPC -- D 8 -- FAA23051 - R.3248.l rl #774 Remove cables (See the figure at left) I Film advance base plate mounting screw #774, #lo49 x 2 a+ <~w"ue Uh.9fd o~ B519 II I "'=.&J#104, `0 `he -- lever/ push As shown in the figure at left, if you can not unfasten the screw (#1049) Remove the film advance side main FPC as shown in the figure below. Power Tr. FPC unit #lo44 x 2 Move aside the power Tr. FPC in the direction of arrow b. DC"­DC converter base plate #685 X 2, #1019 Film advance base plate unit Peel adhesive of cables for shutter charge (MM) motor. the lever (# B519) in the -direction indicated by the arrow (a) to move back the lever. Then you can remove the screw. DC-DC converter A ` n , #lo44 Set up the film advance base plate in the direction indicated by the arrow (c) . -- D 9 -- . FAA23051 - R.3248.~ Main FPC (0: junction cable) (2) Power supply base plate unit VBAT GND (3) *: x -% x %) #lllo X 2 (7) Bottom body film advance side FPC Film detection switch (brown) PTrPTr-C PTr-B GND (black) VBAT (orange) --Dlo -- FAA23051 - R.3248., (4) 1S0 film speed base plate unit 9#loo7 x 2 Soldered a camera (5) Display FPC unit idge ) (8 Bottom body film rewind side FPC w #1038 Thyristortrigger (yellow) base plate ~ f \ Thyristor trigger base plate Ew- ., the FPC) FAA23051 - R.32h8e, r removing the display block instead of removing the front bo
File name F45.PDF

TOOL INSTRUCTION SERVICE DEPT 1. Name ------------------------ Viewfinder mounting rail adjustment tool 2. Purpose -------------------" To adjust the space between viewfinder mounting rails of F4. 3. How to adjust ----- Unfasten two screws on the rail of film advance side. Then insert the tool between the rails as shown below . (The shorter side of the tool is the standard space between the rails.) Push firmly the rail of film advance side toward the rewind side, and secure it with screws . Insert the tool in this direction. 0 0 Standard space between rails TOOL INSTRUCTION SERVICE DEPT \ ,. J1.52f3' ():"] 1. NAME: Z LENS HOLDER J15280 2. PURPOSE: To adjust "Z" in AP SLR camera 3. HOW TO ASSEMBLE: P 1) Mounting Standard Lens for Z Adjustment (J18183) a) Remove the meter coupling shoe attached on the aperture ring of J18183. b) Remove adhesive agent from the circumference of the aperture index ring (silver ring) of J18183. (Do not remove adhesive from the sides of the ring.) c) Unfasten three screws on the tube of J15280 with a hexagonal wrench, so that they do not protrude from the inner surface of the tube. d) Set J18183 on J15280 as shown below and fasten screws. t 1 \J-& \L 0" e) Apply Screw Lock on the screws. 4 Set the index on the lens here (at 90°) to align the screw holes. .. 1 \ TOOL INSTRUCTION SIII?VICE DEPT -. .. ..J 1 L--..-- . J . . 1 ._ 52E30 ! 2) Mounting lens holder on AF adjustment stand (J15259) a) Remove rubber and plate as shown below: te Screw b) Mount J15280 to J15259 with a tripod screw and attached two screws. Adjust each screw so that the optical axis of the lens (J18183) becomes horizontal. Tripod screw \ # Q r'> --Screw 2 \ TOOL INSTRUCTION SERVICE DIZPT i. -. .~ .!.. ?.~ 8 ":6-"""] 4. HOW TO USE a) Attach a camera to the assembly of J15280, J15259 and J18183. (Align the index of the lens holder with the center line of the camera as shown in the figure below. Then, attach the camera to the lens and turn it in the arrow direction.) Index f- b) Decide the distance between the film plane and the chart in ~ illuminator box (J15264). (Set the distance at the specified one for each lens.) c) Look into the viewfinder and set the focus brackets at the center of the chart. Adjust the vertical position by moving J15259. Fine adjustment can be made by unfastening each screw. d) Set J15259 securely. e) Adjust "z" Of the camera. 3

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