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The Vacuum Tube Logic Book David Manley VTL TITBES AVAILABLE FROM: VTL CALIFORNIA 4774Murrietta St. Chino, CA 91710 (714) 627-7204 FAx (714) 627-6988 OOO SMALL AND LARGE QUANTITIES AVA'LABLE § O O $EACH 62OL/L2NTANNECC81 L0. 58L4NL2AU7/ECC82 10. 7025/t2AX7MECC83 10. ECC807 12. L2BH7A L2. 6GF7A 12. 6EM7A L2. 6DJ8/6922 10. 575L L2. s96s 10. 68Q5,/EL84 L2. 6V6 15. 7868 16. 6L6GC (CHINA) 15. 6L6GC (US) 18. rtr66ls881 (RUSSIAN) 15. 6CA7 - EL34 U.S. !TL***** 20. 807. US J.A"N. 25. 807 - RUSSI,AN HEA\ry.DUry 20. 6550A - U.S. VIL***** 30. 6849 . LIMMED SUPPLY 35. 84L7 28. 2l.1TRIODES 150. 845 TRIODES 200. oA2 10. oB2 10. The Vacuum Tube Logic Book Second Edition Paul Mazzarelli, ed. David Manley DEDICATION This littie book is dedicated to all those who love to hear live music, but who also choose to strive to re-create an illusionary resemblance to it in their homes. These people wiÌl have the wisdom to understand the difference between the original and the illusion. The wisest of these disceming audiophiles will listen to their music through vacuum tube amplifiers, and they shall stand apart among the rowdy rabble. David Manley, California. 1989. - vtlmaster. inx TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Quotes vii Chapter l: A Little Night History . I Chapter 2: Measurements and The Sound of VTL 1 Reviews: Double Blind & Triple Dutch 9 Chapter 3: The Human Ear l2 Loudspeakers . l5 Cone-type Moving-Coil or'Dynamic' Drivers 15 Ihe Dome Tweeter t7 Hom and Pure Ribbon Tweeters l8 Quasi-Ribbon Speakers
File name VTL Book - Parte 2.pdf

Preamplifiers ln General Make no mistake, a good preamplifier is hard to build, and much, much harder to design. This is mainly due to the fact that one is dealing with miniscule signal voltages hindered by the 40 dB loss of the RIAA curve. Furthermore, the preamplifier is required to be "all things to all men" in the sense that it is expected to have sufflcient gain to amplify almost nothing up to and beyond line- level without adding noise, distortion or its own sonic signature. And having met those demands, the next person requires that the same preamplifier accept a moving-magnet cafiridge with perhaps fifty times the output voltage and still not overload the little point one millivolt input ["and why is the volume control not pointing to 'midnight', you incompetent dolt???"1 Some tough assignment, we think you'll agree. It's made somewhat tougher yet by the fact that the preamplifier has another role to Iì11, which is that of a central routing switchboard. In fact, some of the older literature calls them "control centres". In essence, it cannot be done. Or rather, the examples available from people who think they've done it do not impress us. The only way, as we see it and do it, is to divide the problem into a pre- preamp for the MC followed by a phono and line preamplifier. (In the same cabinet, we mean, because surely nobody really rrants another couple of little boxes plus more interconnects to pick up more noise with more losses on addi- tional plugs/sockets plus the extra mains cord to induce more hum to these and the original MC cable?) And, yes, you can use an MC step-up transformer, but they are very susceptible to EMI (electro-magnetic-interference) and the reviewers we respect don't seem to like their sound either. Our preamps all have the moving-coil stage built in (excluding the Maxi' mal) and, considering that they're all-tube units, the noise-level of the MC stage is very acceptable. (Funny, we always think, that here is one place where the tran- sistor should be in its element: a low-impedance 'coil, say around 100/200 ohms? 44 THE VTL BOOK An ideal match for the little beastie. . .low noise-level requirement? Just what the doctor ordered (only he was a deaf doctor, remember). Yet another duty that some folk expect of a preamplifier is that of "dubbing- console switcher", and here we draw the line: so sorry; we honourably refuse to oblige. May we tell you why, please? Primarily it concems contact resistance or loss factors, affecting the higher frequencies; and remember, we're talking pre-amplifier language here with the signal in its smallest (and therefore most fragile) state. Let's count the number of 'pressure' or touch-contacts that could in a worst case arise in the chain before the amplifier: 1) Cartridge to clips in arm-shell 2) Head-shell to arm (Horrors!) 3) Under-arm DIN-plug 4) ncR-females on tumtable-back 5) RCA into phono input 6) Input s
File name VTL Book - Parte 3.pdf

Owner's Manual Section Vacuum Tube Logic of America thanks you for selecting our tube electronics for your stereo system. In the interests of getting the best performance out of your equipment, may we ask that you take the time to read through this manual first, please? if you wish to know still more about us and all our equipment, you might consider investing in a copy of The VIL Book: if so, please write enquiring about ordering it. Much of the information contained in this little manual has been accessible only in technical literature long out of print. Some of the concepts and ideas have never appeared in print at all. Most has been gleaned from 30 years in the professional recording industry, wherein we have proven out our circuitry and design philosophies. We hope therefore that you will find yourself both informed and entertained. This is about the exotic and beguiling hobby (art, one might say) of at- tempting to create the illusion of live music in your home. Before going into any technological details about Vacuum Tube Logic equipment, it might be in order to state that our on-going goal is to offer discerning audiophiles premium-quality, musically accurate equipment at a price that allows us to eam a conscienable profit, and to produce this equipment with a fierce pride. It is this pride and dedication to quality (and reliability) that makes it possible for us to offer our (conditional) lifetime warranty quite possibly one of your major reasons for choosing VTL equipment in the -f,rst place. We believe deeply that well-designed and executed vacuum tube electronics have continuously demonstrated their musical superiority over other technological breakthroughs. No question, the transistor is an invention that borders on the miraculous; but we believe it has its best uses in computers and calculators, radios and robots. Ask the musicians; hear the truly great recordings made with 68 THE VTL BOOK famous tubed microphones; pay heed to the (oh so rare) knowledgeable reviewers. But then just listen, and you'11 know. True, tube equipment has never been inexpensive to buy; and true also that a very good value-for-the-money deal is available to the consumer nowadays when purchasing a $300 stereo rack from a depaftment store a direct result of the low-cost transistor in mass-production. - Such mass production, of course, is not without its price. Nothing will demonstrate this more than actually listening to our equipment, and seeing (hear- ing, feeling) this for yourself. Quite frankty, the difference is not subtle. Power Requirements All VTL equipment is designed to operate on the various AC voltages around the world. The mains transformers in our units have multi-tapped dual primary windings (for series or parallel connection) that use the following color coding: Po
File name VTL Book - Parte 4.pdf

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