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File information:
File name:bulletin_TVP0509_®_.part2.rar
Size:1004 kB
Model:FDL-250T 🔎 FDL250T
Original:Subject: UHF Red Bar Display Bent 🔎
Descr:Symptom: UHF red channel bar becomes bent as volume is increased. (Tot File 2.426Kb) Part 2/2 - pag. 2
Group:Electronics > Documentation
Multipart: 0  1

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File name TVP0509.pdf

Sony Service Company National Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 CONFIDENTIAL Service Bulletin TV Products No. CSV-1 Model: FDL-250T 509 Subject: UHF Red Bar Display Bent Symptom: (113X) Date: November 27, 2000 UHF red channel bar becomes bent as volume is increased. Solution: If the customer should complain of the symptom above please perform the following. Serial number range affective 4000001 through 4004700 Ref Schematic Location I-5 F-7 I-5 I-5 Description Former Not used originally 27 Ohm 10K 1/16W 10K 1/16W Description New 10uf/6,3v 10 Ohm 22K 1/16W 22K 1/16 W P/N C625 R010 R613 R614 1-104-851-11 1-216-001-00 1-216-837-11 1-216-837-11 Change R613 & R614 to22K 1/16W J601 Add 10uf cap between Q604 base (+) and ground (-) Reference: Masaaki, Koike PRINTED IN USA TV Products Service Bulletin No. 509 R010 Change to 10 ohm J601 Add to the base of Q604 a 10uf/6.3v capacitor. Positive end of capacitor to base of Q604 R613 & R614 Change to 22K 1/16 Watt

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