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and overviews 6 Fault finding trees, diagrams and overviews START Remark : In normal operation the Red LED lights in half intensity and in standby-mode the LED lights in full intensity L9.1E 17 6 Fault finding trees, diagrams Connect a pattern generator to the arial input. Set Patt.gen. to 475,25 MHz, colourbar, stereosound, PAL B/G (for France SECAM l). Put the Mainsswitch : on. In normal conditions the set will start with the Red LED blinking for one second in full intensity, one time then after a few seconds more in half intensity while the picture and sound will appear. 1 1 1 1 Does the red LED blink for one second in full intensity, one time ? Yes Yes No Does the red LED light in full intensity continuously ? No Is the Power supply hicking ? No Any secondary voltage present ? No (A1); present? Yes No Check/Replace (A1); SW0231,F1500,D6505 Note: If F1500 is defective, then also check R3503 Yes 1 7 1 3 1 1 1 D Do picture and sound appear properly ? No A Yes Yes Ensure communication with the RC, Check/Replace (A8);IC7680 Put the set into the Service Default Mode either via the DST or by pressing the buttons on the RC in the following order :062596, or via the service pins An error code is indicated by the blinking LED via the SDM. n-times blinking means error n. See also chapter 5.5 for detailled information The load of the power supply is too high. Isolate each branch of the load one by one, until the hicking disappear. Continue with the fault finding for the branch, which causes the overload. The branches are: (A1); AudioSupply +VBATT MainSupply Vaux Check (A7); , 3V3, Check/Replace TS7603,TS7604 IC7600 X1660 (A8);LED6690 1 1 1 1 (A1); startpuls present? No (A1); Voltage present? Yes No Check/Replace (A1); D6540,C2540,D6510, R3510,R3529 Yes 1 1 1 A Check/Replace (A1); IC7520 R3525 1 1 1 1 Check/Replace (A1); TS7518,L5552 No (A1); voltage on TR5545 pin9 present ? Yes 1 1 1 A Check/Replace (A1); L5540,D6540,C2540 Vaux,F1572,L5573,D6560 IC7581 Note 1: IRIS SYMPTOM CODE 1 1 1 A Set is OK Check / correct Options list via CSM see chapter 5.5 of this manual for details 1 No 1 1 A Is there an error indication ? Condition code Main symptom code Extended symptom code Yes B Note 2: (A1) means Drawing A1 means Test point P1 CL 86532104_034.eps 190299 6 Fault finding trees, diagrams and overviews A L9.1E 18 Ensure communication with the RC, Check/Replace (A8);IC7680 Put the set into the Service Default Mode either via the DST or by pressing the buttons on the RC in the following order :062596, or via the service pins No No picture (Colour missing) No Menu Black screen Sound OK 1 3 1 0 (B); Heater / Filaments OK ? Yes Picture OK Menu OK NO Sound (l,r,l+r) NO Picture NO Sound Menu OK Deflection not OK Pictures are not symetrical and unstable No An error code is indicated by the blinking LED via the SDM. n-times blinking means error n. See also chapter 5.5

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