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Now downloading free:arete_arix S90 Diagnostic Shell Aug89

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ARIX Corporation Diagnostic Shell User Document Rev 0.1 Ping Lee 07 August 1989 ARIX Corporation - CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT REVISION RECORD This page will contain a short description of each revision made to this document ill the order they were made. Each entry on this page will start with the revision number and brief comments on the revision made. 0.1 Initial working document for review ARIX Corporation - CONFIDENTIAL t. DOCUMENT OVERVIEW This document describes the usage of the diagnostic shell for the ARIX Systcmt)(). The diagnostic shell is the common part of spm_exec (or called spm shell before) . p"l_e~lZe. iopm_exec, and the executive of new processors. spm_exec - resides in SPM local memory, and runs the board level tests for the components of the CSS (Computational SubSystem). pm_exec - resides in first memory board run by all the Processing Modules. mIci runs the system level tests for the S90 system exercise. The text & cla~ section of pm_exec and its tests are shared by all the PM's. iopm_exec - resides in IOPM local memory, and runs the board level tests for the device boards inferfaced with an IOPM. The diagnostic shell is said to be diag shell for short. 2. DIAGNOSTIC SHELL DESCRIPTION The diagnostic shell is both a command language and a programming language th

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